我有一些 Python 经验,但由于缺乏正规培训,我从未使用过 try & except 函数来捕获错误。
import wikipedia
# This one works.
links = ["CPython"]
test = [wikipedia.page(link, auto_suggest=False) for link in links]
test = [testitem.content for testitem in test]
#The sequence breaks down if there is no wikipedia page.
links = ["CPython","no page"]
test = [wikipedia.page(link, auto_suggest=False) for link in links]
test = [testitem.content for testitem in test]
def page(title=None, pageid=None, auto_suggest=True, redirect=True, preload=False):
Get a WikipediaPage object for the page with title `title` or the pageid
`pageid` (mutually exclusive).
Keyword arguments:
* title - the title of the page to load
* pageid - the numeric pageid of the page to load
* auto_suggest - let Wikipedia find a valid page title for the query
* redirect - allow redirection without raising RedirectError
* preload - load content, summary, images, references, and links during initialization
if title is not None:
if auto_suggest:
results, suggestion = search(title, results=1, suggestion=True)
title = suggestion or results[0]
except IndexError:
# if there is no suggestion or search results, the page doesn't exist
raise PageError(title)
return WikipediaPage(title, redirect=redirect, preload=preload)
elif pageid is not None:
return WikipediaPage(pageid=pageid, preload=preload)
raise ValueError("Either a title or a pageid must be specified")