Plugin: FriendsOfCake/Search

CakePHP: 3.1.4

I'm using the plugin to filter my index.ctp view data with a form. This similar question: How to Filter on Associated Data is about a belongsTo association. My question is specifically about associated HABTM data where my associated table is linked through a joinTable and not directly. The normal setup in the Model like the following is not working in this case:

->value('painting', [
    field' => $this->Paintings->target()->aliasField('id')

My tables are set up like:

  • Tickets belongsToMany Paintings
  • Paintings belongsToMany Tickets
  • with joinTable tickets_paintings

Here is the main setup:

class TicketsTable extends Table
    public function initialize(array $config)

       $this->belongsToMany('Paintings', [
        'foreignKey' => 'ticket_id',
        'targetForeignKey' => 'painting_id',
        'joinTable' => 'tickets_paintings'

   public function searchConfiguration()
        $search = new Manager($this);

        $search->value('status', [
                'field' => $this->aliasField('active'),
            ])->like('member_name', [
               'field' => $this->Members->target()->aliasField('surname'),
               'filterEmpty' => true
            ])->value('painting', [
              'field' => $this->Paintings->target()->aliasField('id'),  // not working

        return $search;

class TicketsController extends AppController
    public function index()
    $query = $this->Tickets
        ->contain(['Members', 'Paintings', 'Appointments']);


Everything else is working and the parameters are added to the URL when I filter etc., so I only put in the parts where sth has to be wrong.

After filtering I get an error:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Paintings.id' in 'where clause'

The contain works properly when just displaying data from the Paintings table in the Tickets view.

But in the code from the SQL query I can see, that all contained tables (Members, Appoinments) are joined for the query except the Paintings table, so obviously it can not find the column...And I guess it can't really join it directly anyway since they are only connected through the joinTable.

I'm new to CakePHP and I can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong here, so hopefully someone can help me out a bit.

Do I have to use a different syntax in the plugin settings? Do I have to set up my Tables differently? Or how exactly can I tell the query to incorporate the habtm related table in the search?



1 回答 1



虽然您可以在控制器中手动加入它,但使用callback- 或finder-filter 可能是更好的方法,这样您就可以在模型层修改查询,并且可以轻松地利用Query::matching()关联数据进行过滤。


use Cake\ORM\Query;
use Search\Type\Callback; // This changed in master recently
                          // now it's Search\Model\Filter\Callback

// ...

public function searchConfiguration()
    $search = new Manager($this);

        // ...
        ->callback('painting', [
            'callback' => function (Query $query, array $args, Callback $type) {
                return $query
                    ->matching('Paintings', function (Query $query) use ($args) {
                        return $query
                                $this->Paintings->target()->aliasField('id') => $args['painting']

    return $search;



于 2015-11-23T19:04:16.653 回答