像这样的东西可能有助于将新对象添加到现有的 .Rdata 文件中:
add_object_to_rda <- function(obj, rda_file, overwrite = FALSE) {
.dummy <- NULL
if (!file.exists(rda_file)) save(.dummy, file = rda_file)
old_e <- new.env()
new_e <- new.env()
load(file = rda_file, envir = old_e)
name_obj <- deparse(substitute(obj)) # get the name of the object
# new_e[[name_obj]] <- get(name_obj) # use this only outside a function
new_e[[name_obj]] <- obj
# merge object from old environment with the new environment
# ls(old_e) is a character vector of the object names
if (overwrite) {
# the old variables take precedence over the new ones
invisible(sapply(ls(new_e), function(x)
assign(x, get(x, envir = new_e), envir = old_e)))
# And finally we save the variables in the environment
save(list = ls(old_e), file = rda_file, envir = old_e)
else {
invisible(sapply(ls(old_e), function(x)
assign(x, get(x, envir = old_e), envir = new_e)))
# And finally we save the variables in the environment
save(list = ls(new_e), file = rda_file, envir = new_e)