什么是以下的 C# 优化版本,不使用 .Net 的 Timespan 或 DateTime。我将如何进行 NUnit 测试?
TimeSpan ts = Date1 - Date2;
int numberOfDays = ts.Days;
您可以将日期转换为刻度,减去,然后将刻度转换回天。虽然你为什么不能使用 TimeSpan?它很可能就是这样做的。
DateTime a = DateTime.Now;
DateTime b = a.AddDays(2);
// ticks are in hns
long ticks = b.Ticks - a.Ticks;
long seconds = ticks / 10000000;
long minutes = seconds / 60;
long hours = minutes / 60;
long days = hours / 24;
Date1 和 Date2 是什么类型的?在您的示例中,它看起来是 DateTime。如果不是 DateTime,您希望您的日期在什么变量中?您始终可以在 String 中使用 Date1 和 Date2 并使用 SubString() 来获取年、月和日,但这将是一个真正的痛苦。
TimeSpan ts = Date1 - Date2;
int numberOfDays = ts.Days;
DateTime Date1 = new DateTime(2008,12,01);
DateTime Date2 = new DateTime(2008,12,25);
int numberOfDayBetweenDateThatShouldBe = 25;
Assert.IsTrue((Date2-Date1).TotalDays == numberOfDayBetweenDateThatShouldBe);
任务是用 c# 编写一个 asp.net 应用程序,它将 2 个日期作为用户的输入,计算出它们之间的天数并将该数字显示给用户。这不应使用任何内置的 .net 框架 DateTime 或 TimeSpan 类。
private int CalculateDays(DateTime start, DateTime end )
DateTime origin = new DateTime();
return (end - origin).Days - (start - origin).Days;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Parse dates for correctness and range errors, warn as necessary
DateTime start;
DateTime end;
// rough error implement error handling implementation
string errors = string.Empty;
if(!DateTime.TryParse(txt_start_date.Text.Trim(), out start)) errors+="Start date was incorrect";
else if(!DateTime.TryParse(txt_end_date.Text.Trim(), out end)) errors+= (errors.Length>0? errors+= "\n":"") + "End date was incorrect" ;
else if ((end.Day - start.Day) <= 0) errors+= (errors.Length>0? errors+= "\n":"" ) + "End date must be greater than the Start date" ; //CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Response.Write(CalculateDays(start, end));
Debug.Assert(errors.Length <= 0, errors);
至少在不接触 DateTime.Days 的情况下,我无法看到如何做到这一点。
编辑 好吧,再想一想和一些猴子的工作,但是,在任何地方都没有使用 DateTime 或 Timespan
public static class PrimitiveCal
// incremental total days a normal year
private static int[] DaysInYr = new int[] {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
// incremental total days in a leap year
private static int[] DaysInLeapYr = new int[] { 0,31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 };
public static long GetDays(int[] dt_start, int[] dt_end)
int day_diff = dt_end[0] - dt_start[0];
int s_mth = dt_start[1];
int e_mth = dt_end[1];
int s_year = dt_start[2];
int e_year = dt_end[2];
int yr_diff = e_year - s_year;
return day_diff + (yr_diff > 0 ?
// use months as boundaries, cater for leap years
(YrType(e_year)[e_mth - 1] +
(YrType(s_year)[YrType(s_year).Length - 1] - YrType(s_year)[s_mth - 1])) +
(yr_diff == 1 ? 0 : AddMiddleYears(s_year, e_year))
// get month sums in same year
: YrType(e_year)[e_mth - 1] - YrType(e_year)[s_mth - 1]);
private static int AddMiddleYears(int s_year, int e_year)
int total_days = 0;
for (int i = s_year + 1; i <= e_year - 1; i++) total_days += YrType(i)[YrType(i).Length - 1];
return total_days;
private static int[] YrType(int year)
return (year % 4 == 0 && year%100!=0) || year % 400 ==0 ? DaysInLeapYr : DaysInYr;