2 回答
Let's start by me saying that it appears that there is simply no way to output UTF-8 text to the console in Windows via cout
(assuming you compile with Visual Studio).
What you can do however for your tests is to output your UTF-8 text via the Win32 API fn WriteConsoleA
if(!SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8)) { // 65001
cerr << "Failed to set console output mode!\n";
return 1;
HANDLE const consout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD nNumberOfCharsWritten;
const char* utf8 = "Umlaut AE = \xC3\x84 / ue = \xC3\xBC \n";
if(!WriteConsoleA(consout, utf8, strlen(utf8), &nNumberOfCharsWritten, NULL)) {
DWORD const err = GetLastError();
cerr << "WriteConsole failed with << " << err << "!\n";
return 1;
This should output:
Umlaut AE = Ä / ue = ü
if you set your console (cmd.exe) to use the Lucida Console font.
As for your question (taken from your comment) if
a win23 API converted string is the same as a raw UTF8 (linux) string
I will say yes: Given a Unicode character sequence, it's UTF-16 (Windows wchar_t) representation converted to a UTF-8 (char) representation via the WideCharToMultiByte
function will always yield the same byte sequence.
When you convert the string to a UTF 16 it is a 16 byte wide character, you can't compare it to the ASCII values because they aren't 16 byte values. You have to convert them to compare, or write a specialized comparision to ASCII function.
I doubt the UTF8 cout in linux would produce the same correct output unless it were regular ASCII values, as UTF8 UTF-8 encoding forms are binary-compatible with ASCII for code points below 128, and I assume UTF16 comes after UTF8 in a simliar fashion.
The good news is there are many converters out there written to convert these strings to different character sets.