想法:我有一个 Spring Web MVC 动作,应该完成以下一项或两项任务:
- 从远程服务器下载文件并将输入流写入响应输出流
- 或者捕获下载异常,设置多个错误消息之一并重定向到 /addresses 页面。地址页面会显示错误
问题:Spring 无法下载文件并在出现问题时重定向 - 不知何故 flash 属性不起作用,因为在重定向中迷路了:
@RequestMapping(value = "/download/{fileaddress}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void download(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @PathVariable(value = "fileaddress") String fileaddress) throws Exception
if(fileaddress != null && fileaddress.length() > 0)
// Get the remove file based on the fileaddress
RemoteFile remotefile = new RemoteFile(fileaddress);
// Set the input stream
InputStream inputstream = remotefile.getInputStream();
// Write the input stream to the output stream or throw an exception
Utils.writeTo(inputstream, response.getOutputStream());
// TODO: Define error message a and pass it to /addresses
// PROBLEM: Flash attributes that contain all critical error information don't work
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/addresses");
// TODO: Add another error message and redirect
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/addresses");
// TODO: Add another error message and redirect
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/addresses");
// TODO: Add another error message and redirect
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/addresses");
// TODO: Add error message
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/addresses");
<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="tags" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="core" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<jsp:attribute name="content">
<core:if test="${not empty error}">
<div class="alert alert-danger">
<p>Page under construction!</p>
问题:如何在 /addresses 站点中显示错误消息(例如简单字符串)?使用不同的 URL 参数 (error=errora, error=errorb ...) 是一个巨大的痛苦,如果有多种错误类型并将错误消息作为 GET 参数传递看起来不专业并且是编码问题的根源。