我一直在尝试用 xml-conduit 解析 XML 数据结构,经过一些学习后似乎可以工作。但我现在坚持的是以下内容。
data SumType = A Text | B Text | C Text
parseSumTypeList :: MonadThrow m => ConduitM Event o m (Maybe SumType)
parseSumTypeList = choose $
[ (tagIgnoreAttrs "A"
$ do result <- content
return (A $ result))
, (tagIgnoreAttrs "B"
$ do result <- content
return (A $ result))
, (tagIgnoreAttrs "C"
$ do result <- content
return (A $ result))]
虽然上述工作正常 - 如果我将常见模式重构为
parseSumTypeList :: MonadThrow m => ConduitM Event o m (Maybe SumType)
parseSumTypeList = choose $ map f [("A",A),("B",B),("C",C)]
where f (str,constr) = tagIgnoreAttrs str
$ do result <- content
return (constr $ result)
Couldn't match type ‘ConduitM Event o0 m0 (Maybe SumType)’
with ‘forall o1. ConduitM Event o1 m (Maybe SumType)’
Expected type: (Name, Text -> SumType)
-> Consumer Event m (Maybe SumType)
Actual type: (Name, Text -> SumType)
-> ConduitM Event o0 m0 (Maybe SumType)
Relevant bindings include
parseSumType :: Consumer Event m (Maybe SumType)
(bound at ...)
In the first argument of ‘map’, namely ‘f’
In the first argument of ‘choose’, namely
‘(map f [("A", A), ("B", B), ("C", C)])’
在我看来,这forall o
choose :: Monad m
=> [Consumer Event m (Maybe a)] -- List of parsers that will be tried in order.
-> Consumer Event m (Maybe a) -- Result of the first parser to succeed, or Nothing if no parser succeeded
并且知道 Consumer 只是一个类型的同义词
type Consumer i m r = forall o. ConduitM i o m r
lambda 函数 - 这也不起作用。
parseSumTypeList = choose $ flip map [("A",A),("B",B),("C",C)]
$\(str,constr) -> tagIgnoreAttrs str
$ do result <- content
return (constr $ result)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module ConduitErr where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow)
import Text.XML.Stream.Parse
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.XML.Types (Event)
import Data.Conduit (ConduitM)
-- import Control.Lens ((&),(.~))
data SumType = A Text | B Text | C Text
parseSumTypeList :: MonadThrow m => ConduitM Event o m (Maybe SumType)
parseSumTypeList = choose $
[ (tagIgnoreAttrs "A"
$ do result <- content
return (A $ result))
, (tagIgnoreAttrs "B"
$ do result <- content
return (B $ result))
, (tagIgnoreAttrs "C"
$ do result <- content
return (C $ result))]
parseSumTypeList' :: MonadThrow m => ConduitM Event o m (Maybe SumType)
parseSumTypeList' = choose $ map f [("A",A),("B",B),("C",C)]
where f (str,constr) = tagIgnoreAttrs str
$ do result <- content
return (constr $ result)
build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.9
, conduit
, resourcet
, text
, xml-conduit
, xml-types