感谢您的快速回复 - 这不是我想要的,但我可能不知道如何清楚地提出这个问题。我的具体用例是我想绘制一个 2D 地图,表示我的 3D 场景中所有对象的相对位置,但我想根据 3D 场景中相机的偏航来旋转地图中的对象 -所以我需要知道基于四元数的相机所面对的“角度”,以便我可以相应地抵消地图上 2D 对象的旋转。似乎工作得很好。我只是希望不必进行如此多的计算,但至少 Javascript 很快。
// Pass the obj.quaternion that you want to convert here:
function quatToEuler (q1) {
var pitchYawRoll = new THREE.Vector3();
sqw = q1.w*q1.w;
sqx = q1.x*q1.x;
sqy = q1.y*q1.y;
sqz = q1.z*q1.z;
unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw; // if normalised is one, otherwise is correction factor
test = q1.x*q1.y + q1.z*q1.w;
if (test > 0.499*unit) { // singularity at north pole
heading = 2 * Math.atan2(q1.x,q1.w);
attitude = Math.PI/2;
bank = 0;
if (test < -0.499*unit) { // singularity at south pole
heading = -2 * Math.atan2(q1.x,q1.w);
attitude = -Math.PI/2;
bank = 0;
else {
heading = Math.atan2(2*q1.y*q1.w-2*q1.x*q1.z , sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);
attitude = Math.asin(2*test/unit);
bank = Math.atan2(2*q1.x*q1.w-2*q1.y*q1.z , -sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw)
pitchYawRoll.z = Math.floor(attitude * 1000) / 1000;
pitchYawRoll.y = Math.floor(heading * 1000) / 1000;
pitchYawRoll.x = Math.floor(bank * 1000) / 1000;
return pitchYawRoll;
// Then, if I want the specific yaw (rotation around y), I pass the results of
// pitchYawRoll.y into the following to get back the angle in radians which is
// what can be set to the object's rotation.
function eulerToAngle(rot) {
var ca = 0;
if (rot > 0)
{ ca = (Math.PI*2) - rot; }
{ ca = -rot }
return (ca / ((Math.PI*2)/360)); // camera angle radians converted to degrees