2015 年 11 月 12 日更新

我将 PanoTools 插件与 Photoshop 和 Hugin 一起使用,并使用了所有这些参数。最后我找到了满足我最低要求的投影、HFOV 和图像输出大小的参数。



处理后的输出: 在此处输入图像描述

我的问题是如何将所有这些参数和值转换为 C# 算法编码,以便当我提供原始图像时,我会得到校正后的输出图像?


我有一个圆形鱼眼相机拍摄的方形图像。大小为 2650 * 2650 像素。

现在,我需要使用 C# 语言以编程方式将图像变形为平面全景图像。我从互联网上环顾四周,使用来自Link 的不同算法示例,获取下面的代码Link1Link2,但无法使其成功。我的数学真的很烂,对此无能为力。希望有人能够指导我完成这个。非常感谢。


--从维基百科鱼眼镜头抓取的图像和尺寸修改以适合我的示例像素。 在此处输入图像描述


        Bitmap sourceImage = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile("circularfisheye.jpg");
        double factor = 0.5;
        Boolean autoCrop = false;
        Color backgroundColor = Color.White;

        Bitmap StartImage = null;
        BitmapData srcBitmapData = null;
        Byte[] srcPixels = null;
        Byte[] dstPixels = null;
        Bitmap NewImage = null;
        BitmapData dstBitmapData = null;


            // Checks whether bpp ​​( Bits Per Pixel ) is 8 , 24, or 32
            int Depth = System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(sourceImage.PixelFormat);
            if (Depth != 8 && Depth != 24 && Depth != 32)
                throw new ArgumentException("Only 8, 24 and 32 bpp images are supported.");

            // Retrieves the count of the color components
            int cCount = Depth / 8;

            Size baseSize = new Size(sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height);

            // check if a low image resize and need to improve the quality
            // and not generate image aliasing
            Int32 maxSize = Math.Max(sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height);
            if (maxSize < 3000)
                float percent = 3000F / (float)maxSize;
                baseSize = new Size((Int32)((float)sourceImage.Width * percent), (Int32)((float)sourceImage.Height * percent));

            StartImage = new Bitmap(baseSize.Width, baseSize.Height, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
            StartImage.SetResolution(sourceImage.HorizontalResolution, sourceImage.VerticalResolution);

            // Create the drawing object and white background
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(StartImage);
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
            g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
            g.DrawImage(sourceImage, new Rectangle(-1, -1, baseSize.Width + 1, baseSize.Height + 1), 0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            // Locks the source image and copies it to the byte array and releases the source image
            srcBitmapData = StartImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, StartImage.Width, StartImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, StartImage.PixelFormat);
            srcPixels = new byte[StartImage.Width * StartImage.Height * (Depth / 8)];
            Marshal.Copy(srcBitmapData.Scan0, srcPixels, 0, srcPixels.Length);
            srcBitmapData = null;

            // Create the target image byte array
            dstPixels = new Byte[srcPixels.Length];

            // Fill the entire frame with the selected background color
            Int32 index = ((1 * StartImage.Width) + 1) * cCount; //index = ((Y * Width) + X) * cCount
                if (Depth == 32) //For 32 bpp defines Red , Green, Blue and Alpha
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.B;
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.G;
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.R;
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.A; // a
                if (Depth == 24) //For 24 bpp defines Red , Green and Blue
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.B;
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.G;
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.R;
                if (Depth == 8)
                // For 8 bpp defines the value of color ( Red , Green and Blue to be the same thing)
                    dstPixels[index++] = backgroundColor.B;

            } while (index < srcPixels.Length);
            // Calculate the maximum possible extent for the image and multiply by the desired factor
            double amp = 0;
            double ang = Math.PI * 0.5;
            for (Int32 a = 0; a < StartImage.Height; a++)
                int y = (int)((StartImage.Height / 2) - amp * Math.Sin(ang));
                if ((y < 0) || (y > StartImage.Height))
                amp = a;
            amp = (amp - 2) * (factor < -1 ? -1 : (factor > 1 ? 1 : factor));
            // Define variables that calculates the cutoff points (if any)
            Int32 x1, y1, x2, y2;
            x1 = StartImage.Width;
            y1 = StartImage.Height;
            x2 = 0;
            y2 = 0;

            // Copy pixel by pixel for the new positions
            index = ((1 * StartImage.Width) + 1) * cCount;

                Int32 y = (Int32)((index / cCount) / StartImage.Width);
                Int32 x = (index / cCount) - (y * StartImage.Width);

                Point pt = NewPoint(new Point(x, y), StartImage.Width, StartImage.Height, amp, factor < 0);

                //Values ​​for crop
                if (factor >= 0)
                    if (x == StartImage.Width / 2)
                        if (pt.Y < y1)
                            y1 = pt.Y;

                        if (pt.Y > y2)
                            y2 = pt.Y;

                    if (y == StartImage.Height / 2)
                        if (pt.X < x1)
                            x1 = pt.X;

                        if (pt.X > x2)
                            x2 = pt.X;
                    if ((x == 1) && (y == 1))
                        y1 = pt.Y;
                        x1 = pt.X;

                    if ((x == StartImage.Width - 1) && (y == StartImage.Height - 1))
                        y2 = pt.Y;
                        x2 = pt.X;

                //Bytes Index which will apply the pixel
                Int32 dstIndex = ((pt.Y * StartImage.Width) + pt.X) * cCount;

                if (Depth == 32)
                    dstPixels[dstIndex] = srcPixels[index++];
                    dstPixels[dstIndex + 1] = srcPixels[index++];
                    dstPixels[dstIndex + 2] = srcPixels[index++];
                    dstPixels[dstIndex + 3] = srcPixels[index++]; // a
                if (Depth == 24)
                    dstPixels[dstIndex] = srcPixels[index++];
                    dstPixels[dstIndex + 1] = srcPixels[index++];
                    dstPixels[dstIndex + 2] = srcPixels[index++];
                if (Depth == 8)
                    dstPixels[dstIndex] = srcPixels[index++];

            } while (index < srcPixels.Length);

            //Creates a new image based on the byte array previously created
            NewImage = new Bitmap(StartImage.Width, StartImage.Height, StartImage.PixelFormat);
            NewImage.SetResolution(StartImage.HorizontalResolution, StartImage.VerticalResolution);
            dstBitmapData = NewImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, StartImage.Width, StartImage.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, StartImage.PixelFormat);
            Marshal.Copy(dstPixels, 0, dstBitmapData.Scan0, dstPixels.Length);

            //Generates the final image to crop or resize the real coo
            Bitmap FinalImage = new Bitmap(sourceImage.Width + 1, sourceImage.Height, StartImage.PixelFormat);
            NewImage.SetResolution(StartImage.HorizontalResolution, StartImage.VerticalResolution);

            Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(FinalImage);
            g1.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g1.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
            g1.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

            //Performs the cut if enabled automatic cutting and there is need to cut
            if ((autoCrop) && ((x1 > 0) || (y1 > 0) || (x2 < NewImage.Height) || (y2 < NewImage.Height)))
                Rectangle cropRect = new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
                g1.DrawImage(NewImage, new Rectangle(-1, -1, FinalImage.Width + 1, FinalImage.Height + 1), cropRect.X, cropRect.Y, cropRect.Width, cropRect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                g1.DrawImage(NewImage, new Rectangle(-1, -1, FinalImage.Width + 1, FinalImage.Height + 1), 0, 0, NewImage.Width, NewImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            g1 = null;

            NewImage = null;
            srcBitmapData = null;
            srcPixels = null;
            dstPixels = null;
            dstBitmapData = null;

3 回答 3




r' = f(r)
Θ' = Θ

其中引号表示扭曲的坐标。函数 f 是未知的,应通过校准(查看常规目标)凭经验测量。

要校正图像,您需要反转函数 f 并对图像应用逆变换。实际上,通过校准直接测量g更容易。作为一个起始近似值,一个简单的模型,如

r = r' + a.r'³ 





x = g(r').x'/r'
y = g(r').y'/r'

在哪里r' = √x'²+y'²

于 2015-11-06T16:46:23.547 回答




于 2017-03-13T08:31:46.600 回答

我对 HelvioJunior 的库(由@Tarek.Mh 链接)进行了一些改造,我认为这可能适合您的需要:

BarrelDistortion(bmp, 1 / 2.5f, true)


using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using static System.Math;

namespace HelvioJunior
    public class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Bitmap source = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"JpwX0.png");
            Bitmap bmp = BarrelDistortion(source, 4/10f, true);

        static public Bitmap BarrelDistortion(Bitmap sourceImage, double factor = 0, bool autoCrop = true, uint previewRectangleWidth = 0, Color? fillerColor = null)
            int sourceRight = sourceImage.Width - 1, sourceBottom = sourceImage.Height - 1;

            // Vertical amplitude is half the height times factor
            // Horizontal amplitude is missing ; vertical amplitude's applied to both directions
            double amp = sourceBottom / 2f * factor;

            // Inner shrinking area points
            RePoint[] lPts;
            bool inverse = factor < 0;

            // Shrinking area coordinates (center point is considered always available)
            double x1 = sourceRight / 2f,
                y1 = sourceBottom / 2f,
                x2 = sourceRight / 2f,
                y2 = sourceBottom / 2f;

            if (inverse)
                lPts = new RePoint[]
                    new RePoint(0, 0),
                    new RePoint(0, sourceBottom),
                    new RePoint(sourceRight, sourceBottom),
                    new RePoint(sourceRight, 0)
                lPts = new RePoint[]
                    new RePoint(sourceRight * 1 / 2f, 0),
                    new RePoint(0, sourceBottom * 1 / 2f),
                    new RePoint(sourceRight, sourceBottom * 1 / 2f),
                    new RePoint(sourceRight * 1 / 2f, sourceBottom)

            foreach (var pN in lPts.Select(pt => NewPoint(pt, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height, amp, inverse)))
                if (pN.Y < y1) y1 = pN.Y;
                if (pN.Y > y2) y2 = pN.Y;
                if (pN.X < x1) x1 = pN.X;
                if (pN.X > x2) x2 = pN.X;

            // Bytes per color from bit per pixel (bpp) format
            int bpcCount = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(sourceImage.PixelFormat) / 8;

            Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height);
            int srcLength = sourceImage.Width * sourceImage.Height * bpcCount;

            // Gets sourceImage byte array as srcpixels
            BitmapData srcBitmapData = sourceImage.LockBits(sourceRectangle, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
            byte[] srcPixels = new byte[srcLength];
            Marshal.Copy(srcBitmapData.Scan0, srcPixels, 0, srcLength);
            srcBitmapData = null;

            // Destination byte array preparation as dstPixels
            byte[] dstPixels = new byte[srcLength];
            int dstIndex = 0;

            // Filler color preparation
            Color fillColor = fillerColor ?? Color.Transparent;
            if (!autoCrop)
                if (bpcCount <= 4) // Depth > 32bpp may not work as expected, filler color's not applied for bit safety reason
                        dstPixels[dstIndex++] = fillColor.B;
                        if (bpcCount > 1)
                            dstPixels[dstIndex++] = fillColor.G;
                            dstPixels[dstIndex++] = fillColor.R;
                            if (bpcCount > 3)
                                dstPixels[dstIndex++] = fillColor.A; // a
                    } while (dstIndex < srcLength);

            // Byte-to-byte copy (incl. Point transformation)
            int index = 0, srcBpcLength = srcLength - bpcCount;
                int comp = index / bpcCount; // comp yields the current "pixel" position
                int y = comp / sourceImage.Width; // Each line is sourceImage.Width bytes wide
                int x = comp - (y * sourceImage.Width); // Remaining (comp - lines) bytes is target column (ranges from 0 to width - 1)

                // Destination "pixel"
                RePoint pt = NewPoint(new RePoint(x, y), sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height, amp, inverse);
                dstIndex = (((int)pt.Y * sourceImage.Width) + (int)pt.X) * bpcCount; // dstIndex++ overflows when |amp| >= 2

                if (dstIndex >= 0 && dstIndex <= srcBpcLength)
                    for (int i = 0; i++ < bpcCount;)
                        dstPixels[dstIndex++] = srcPixels[index++];
                    index += bpcCount;
            } while (index < srcLength);
            srcPixels = null;

            // Destination bytes application
            BitmapData dstBitmapData = sourceImage.LockBits(sourceRectangle, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
            Marshal.Copy(dstPixels, 0, dstBitmapData.Scan0, srcLength);
            dstBitmapData = null;
            dstPixels = null;

            // Final Image area
            Rectangle cropRect = new Rectangle((int)Ceiling(x1), (int)Ceiling(y1), (int)Ceiling(x2 - x1), (int)Ceiling(y2 - y1));
            Rectangle destRectangle = autoCrop ? cropRect : sourceRectangle;

            // Final image preparation
            Bitmap FinalImage = new Bitmap(destRectangle.Width, destRectangle.Height, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
            FinalImage.SetResolution(sourceImage.HorizontalResolution, sourceImage.VerticalResolution);

            Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(FinalImage);
            g1.DrawImage(sourceImage, -destRectangle.X, -destRectangle.Y);

            // Previsualization rectangle
            if (previewRectangleWidth > 0)
                g1.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red, previewRectangleWidth), cropRect.X - 1, cropRect.Y - 1, cropRect.Width + previewRectangleWidth, cropRect.Height + previewRectangleWidth);

            g1 = null;

            return FinalImage;

        private static RePoint NewPoint(RePoint aP, double Width, double Height, double Amplitude, bool inverse)
            double h = aP.Y / (Height - 1);
            double w = aP.X / (Width - 1);

            // Works ok for [0/2] to [1/2]
            // Floating point error(s) here, in the range of ]1/2] to [2/2] (No workaround found)
            double sinX = Round(Sin(PI * w), 15); // Range of [0] to [1] * PI ; result ranges from 0 (far from center) to 1 (at center)
            double sinY = Round(Sin(PI * h), 15);

            double caX = Amplitude * (1 - 2 * w);
            double caY = Amplitude * (1 - 2 * h);

            double aY = 0, aX = 0;
            if (inverse)
                aX = -caX;
                aY = -caY;

            double pY = aP.Y + aY + caY * sinX;
            double pX = aP.X + aX + caX * sinY;

            return new RePoint(pX, pY);

        private struct RePoint
            public double X;
            public double Y;

            public RePoint(double x, double y)
                X = x;
                Y = y;
于 2022-02-15T16:02:13.840 回答