我已经使用这个在我的asp.net webform中实现了记住我的选项,

protected void LBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (this.ChkRememberme != null && this.ChkRememberme.Checked == true)
     HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(TxtUserName.Text, TxtPassword.Text);

我做对了吗?任何建议..我正在使用 Windows 身份验证,我是not using asp.net membership..


3 回答 3


与其直接将用户名和密码存储在 cookie 中,不如将用户名和密码的哈希值和盐值存储在 cookie 中,然后当您验证 cookie 时,检索给定用户名的密码,使用密码和相同的盐并比较它们。

创建哈希就像将密码和盐值一起存储在一个字符串中一样简单,将字符串转换为字节数组,计算字节数组的哈希(使用 MD5 或任何您喜欢的)并将生成的哈希转换为字符串(可能通过base64编码)。


// Create a hash of the given password and salt.
public string CreateHash(string password, string salt)
    // Get a byte array containing the combined password + salt.
    string authDetails = password + salt;
    byte[] authBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(authDetails);

    // Use MD5 to compute the hash of the byte array, and return the hash as
    // a Base64-encoded string.
    var md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
    byte[] hashedBytes = md5.ComputeHash(authBytes);
    string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes);

    return hash;

// Check to see if the given password and salt hash to the same value
// as the given hash.
public bool IsMatchingHash(string password, string salt, string hash)
    // Recompute the hash from the given auth details, and compare it to
    // the hash provided by the cookie.
    return CreateHash(password, salt) == hash;

// Create an authentication cookie that stores the username and a hash of
// the password and salt.
public HttpCookie CreateAuthCookie(string username, string password, string salt)
    // Create the cookie and set its value to the username and a hash of the
    // password and salt. Use a pipe character as a delimiter so we can
    // separate these two elements later.
    HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("YourSiteCookieNameHere");
    cookie.Value = username + "|" + CreateHash(password, salt);
    return cookie;

// Determine whether the given authentication cookie is valid by
// extracting the username, retrieving the saved password, recomputing its
// hash, and comparing the hashes to see if they match. If they match,
// then this authentication cookie is valid.
public bool IsValidAuthCookie(HttpCookie cookie, string salt)
    // Split the cookie value by the pipe delimiter.
    string[] values = cookie.Value.Split('|');
    if (values.Length != 2) return false;

    // Retrieve the username and hash from the split values.
    string username = values[0];
    string hash = values[1];

    // You'll have to provide your GetPasswordForUser function.
    string password = GetPasswordForUser(username);

    // Check the password and salt against the hash.
    return IsMatchingHash(password, salt, hash);
于 2010-07-28T17:56:26.813 回答

我不会将用户密码存储在 cookie 中...而是将用户 ID 和 IP 地址存储在 cookie 中。

于 2010-07-28T17:34:07.707 回答

我不会将 ip / 用户 ID 存储在 cookie 中。会话劫持将非常容易,我的意思是我知道我同事的用户名/IP,我可以将该 cookie 添加到我的消息中,然后我可以处理我同事的会话。

于 2013-04-17T18:57:26.877 回答