Due to the requirement of our project, I need to upload and install the same CAP file to multiple smart cards simultaneously (at least 12 at once).

Does this need a tool or something else (as I'm not going to spend too much money for this)?

I have tried to google, but found nothing.

Is there any simple method to do this? Or any suggestions?


1 回答 1


上传和安装 Javacard Applet(.cap 文件)的标准和常用程序是通过全球平台。几乎所有与 javacard 兼容的卡都与 GP 兼容。确保您购买支持 Javacard 的卡!全球平台规范相当长且复杂。幸运的是,有很多质量不同的工具可以为您完成这项工作。

Martin Paljak 的Global Platform Pro可能是最好的免费软件工具。


要一次安装多张卡,您可以将卡一个接一个地放置并循环您的脚本,或者您需要 12 个读卡器并同时运行该工具。但说真的,我没有看到任何必要的用例。祝你好运!

于 2015-11-05T09:51:11.433 回答