>>> import numpy # OK!
>>> import scipy # OK!
>>> import theano # warning
WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Failed to import scipy.linalg.blas, and Theano
flag blas.ldflags is empty. Falling back on slower implementations for
dot(matrix, vector), dot(vector, matrix) and dot(vector, vector) (DLL load
failed: Belirtilen modül bulunamadı.)

When importing theano, python gives this warning. I setup theano according to this link. http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/install_windows.html

Numpy and Scipy imports are OK. but i'm stuck with BLAS.?

I clone to my computer OpenBLAS from github. how i add blas to environment variables ( "path" ) ?


1 回答 1


Apparently you have error from scipy.linalg.blas, try to install the package from , to install scipy please make sure you have install


You can find it on http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy

The other problem you've mentioned is that g++ compiler isn't detected, theano requires g++ (Linux and Windows) in order to compile generated C code. (just google it deep learning theano setup might help).

The tutorial part of installing MinGW:

  1. In C:\ create file folder’s name called Program
  2. Install MinGW under this file folder ”Program”
  3. Install msys under the path included bin folder.
  4. run sh /postinstall/pi.sh in mysy and the direction you've just install MinGW is supposed to be C:/Program/mingw-w64/mingw64(depend on the install direction)
  5. follow the step on http://rosinality.ncity.net/doku.php?id=python:installing_theano and you might have your code works!
于 2017-02-25T04:08:55.173 回答