我正在尝试在 python 中重现在 IDL 中正常工作的东西。(这是一个更大程序的一部分,所以不能只使用 IDL。)
IDL 代码:
function fit_wav, x, p, wav=w, flux=f ;our function for mpfitfun
;eval a polynomial function for wavelength and interpolate
;to the wavelength of the fiducial spectrum
wav = poly(w, p)
return, interpol(f, wav, x)
function normalize, arr ;scale an array into [0,1]
return, (arr - min(arr)) / (max(arr) - min(arr))
readcol, '~/Desktop/fiducial.txt', wavelength, flux, format='F,F'
readcol, '~/Desktop/to_fit.txt', uncalibrated, format='F'
npix = n_elements(uncalibrated)
pix = [0d:npix-1]
p_init = [1.95, 0.5/npix, 0.]
coef = mpfitfun('fit_wav', wavelength, normalize(flux), 1., $
p_init, functargs={wav:pix, flux:normalize(uncalibrated)})
print, coef
;plot the results
calib_wav = poly(pix, coef)
cgplot, calib_wav, normalize(uncalibrated), xra=minmax([calib_wav, wavelength])
cgplot, /overplot, wavelength, normalize(flux), color='red'
1.9652186 0.00070232586 -1.5183943e-07
from astropy.modeling import Fittable1DModel, Parameter, fitting
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
class WavModel(Fittable1DModel):
'''Our model for fitting the wavelength dispersion solution
based on an existing calibrated spectrum'''
a = Parameter(name='a',default=0.)
b = Parameter(name='b',default=1.)
c = Parameter(name='c',default=0.)
def __init__(self, a, b, c, spec=None, **kwargs):
self.spec = spec
self.pix = np.arange(spec.size, dtype=float)
super(WavModel, self).__init__(a, b, c, **kwargs)
def evaluate(self, x, a, b, c):
wav = a + self.pix * b + self.pix * self.pix * c
return interp1d(wav, self.spec, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)(x)
fit_deriv = None
normalize = lambda arr: (arr - arr.min()) / (arr.max() - arr.min()) #scale arr into [0,1]
wavelength, flux = np.loadtxt('fiducial.txt').T
uncalibrated = np.loadtxt('to_fit.txt')
npix = uncalibrated.size
pix = np.arange(npix, dtype=float)
fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
p_init = WavModel(1.95, 0.5/npix, 0., spec=normalize(uncalibrated))
coef = fitter(p_init, wavelength, normalize(flux)).parameters
print coef
#now we plot!
calib_wav = coef[0] + coef[1] * pix + coef[2] * pix * pix
plt.plot(calib_wav, normalize(uncalibrated), 'b')
plt.plot(wavelength, normalize(flux), 'r')
然而,THIS 的结果有些不同:
[ 1.98065438e+00 3.70817592e-04 1.06795564e-06]
IDL 版本绝对是正确的版本,因为检测器的波长限制在 2.5 微米左右……