在我的 VS Professional 2013 中,我从源代码管理工作区复制并粘贴了一个解决方案到我的桌面,但每次打开解决方案时,我都会收到以下消息:
The mappings for the solution could not be found.
The mappings for the solution could not be found.
The mappings for the solution could not be found.
The mappings for the solution could not be found.
The active solution has been temporarily disconnected from source control because the server is unavailable. To attempt to reconnect to source control, close and then re-open the solution when the server is available. If you want to connect this solution to another server, use the Change Source Control dialog.
如何从解决方案中完全删除与 TSF 相关的所有内容?
删除 *.vsscc、*.vspscc、文件。用记事本打开 .sln 文件并擦除
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