I'm currently working on a project where I have an image of around 3.9gb. I want to create a google maps like view for this image (which is something LibVIPS can generate) by executing the following command:

vips-dev-8.1.1\bin\vips.exe dzsave testje-131072.tiff mydz

However when doing this some warnings are shown and after that the program crashes:

vips warning: tiff2vips: no resolution information for TIFF image "testje-131072.tiff" -- defaulting to 1 pixel per mm
vips warning: tiff2vips: no resolution information for TIFF image "testje-131072.tiff" -- defaulting to 1 pixel per mm
vips warning: vips_tracked: out of memory --- size == 48MB


Anyone got a clue what I could do to be able to process an image of this size using Vips? (Or any other library?).

I've done some investigation myself and it seems we need to have BigTiff, I've looked in the VIPS source code and saw the term BigTiff being used a number of times so I suppose it should be supported?

Some information about the image:
Width: 131072
Height: 131072
Chunks: 32x32 (4096x4096 each)
Compression: LZW

When opening the image in a tool like VLIV (Very Large Image Viewer) the image opens fine.


1 回答 1


I'm the libvips maintainer. The vips.exe binary includes bigtiff support and should be easily able to process an image of this size. It's challenging to build yourself on Windows, perhaps a week's work, I wouldn't try to make your own unless you are very expert.

I think the problem is probably your input image. I think it is using very large tiles (4096 x 4096). libvips is having to keep two complete lines of tiles in memory, so 4096 x 131072 x 3 x 2 pixels, which is 3GB straight away.

I would remake your source image. Use smaller tiles, perhaps 512 x 512, and make sure you are writing a bigtiff image. Please open an issue on the libvips tracker if you still have problems, it's easier to debug stuff there.


Edit: there's now an official 64-bit Windows build of libvips and vips.exe, it might help:


于 2015-10-27T09:32:46.053 回答