
以下代码在功能上有效,但是第二个名词以“无”结尾。我想使用行进方向的门名称来响应“push chair s”,并显示“椅子太笨重,无法穿过裂缝”。有什么想法我做错了什么或其他方式吗?

A thing can be bulky. A thing is usually not bulky. 
A bulky thing is usually pushable between rooms.
A door can be narrow. A door is usually not narrow.

A bulky, enterable supporter called the chair is in room1. 

There is a narrow door called the crack. It is south of room1. 

Before going with a bulky thing through a narrow door:
    say "[The noun] is way too bulky to fit through [the second noun]." instead;

1 回答 1



Before going with a bulky thing (called the cargo) through a narrow door (called the obstacle):
    say "[The cargo] is way too bulky to fit through [the obstacle]." instead.
于 2015-10-26T19:47:51.293 回答