我一直在为我编写的 Facebook 游戏开发一项新功能。该游戏允许玩家在欧洲城市之间旅行并运送货物以获取利润。我正在添加的这个功能为游戏添加了寻路 AI:它允许玩家选择要前往的城市,然后游戏会自动将玩家的火车沿着轨道从起始城市移动到目的地城市。我正在使用 AJAX 和 setTimeout() 从后端获取数据,并使火车沿着连接城市的轨道移动。请参阅将(希望)包含对我正在尝试做的事情的更好理解的代码。

问题是 setTimeout() 被调用太频繁了。我放置了一个名为 statusFinalDest 的全局变量,它可能包含两个值:ENROUTE 和 ARRIVED。当火车在 ENROUTE 时,JS 火车运动函数使用 setTimeout 调用自身,直到后端返回 ARRIVED 的 statusFinalDest,此时火车运动超时循环(假设)终止。但是,后端进程每次调用一次 myEventMoveTrainManual(),而不是调用它的频率非常高,就好像它没有识别 statusFinalDest 的更改状态一样。我试图在代码中加入更多限制结构来结束这种过度行为,但它们似乎不起作用。

这是相关的 FBJS (Facebook JS) 代码:

function myEventMoveTrainManual(evt) {
      if(mutexMoveTrainManual == 'CONTINUE') {
        //mutexMoveTrainManual = 'LOCKED';
        var ajax = new Ajax();
        var param = {};
        if(evt) {
          var cityId = evt.target.getParentNode().getId();
          var param = { "city_id": cityId };
        ajax.responseType = Ajax.JSON;
        ajax.ondone = function(data) {
          statusFinalDest = data.status_final_dest;
          if(data.code != 'ERROR_FINAL_DEST') {

            // Draw train at new location
            trackAjax = new Ajax();
            trackAjax.responseType = Ajax.JSON;
            trackAjax.ondone = function(trackData) {
              var trains = [];
              trains[0] = trackData.train;
              drawTrack(trackData.y1, trackData.x1, trackData.y2, trackData.x2, '#FF0', trains);

              if(data.code == 'UNLOAD_CARGO') {
              } else if (data.code == 'MOVE_TRAIN_AUTO' || data.code == 'TURN_END') {
              } else {
                /* handle error */
              mutexMoveTrainManual = 'CONTINUE';
            trackAjax.post(baseURL + '/turn/get-track-data');
        ajax.post(baseURL + '/turn/move-train-set-destination', param);

      // If we still haven't ARRIVED at our final destination, we are ENROUTE so continue
      // moving the train until final destination is reached
      // statusFinalDest is a global var
      if(statusFinalDest == 'ENROUTE') {
        setTimeout(myEventMoveTrainManual, 1000);

这是后端 PHP 代码:

  public function moveTrainSetDestinationAction() {
    require_once 'Train.php';
    $trainModel = new Train();

    $userNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('User');
    $gameNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Game');


    $trainRow = $trainModel->getTrain($userNamespace->gamePlayerId);
    $statusFinalDest = $trainRow['status_final_dest'];
    if($statusFinalDest == 'ARRIVED') {
      $originCityId = $trainRow['dest_city_id'];
      $destCityId = $this->getRequest()->getPost('city_id');
      if(empty($destCityId)) {
        // If we arrived at final dest but user supplied no city then this method got called
        // incorrectly so return an error
        echo Zend_Json::encode(array('code' => 'ERROR_FINAL_DEST', 'status_final_dest' => $statusFinalDest));

      $gameNamespace->itinerary = $this->_helper->getTrainItinerary($originCityId, $destCityId);
      array_shift($gameNamespace->itinerary); //shift-off the current train city location
      $trainModel->setStatusFinalDest('ENROUTE', $userNamespace->gamePlayerId);
      $statusFinalDest = 'ENROUTE';
    $cityId = $trainRow['dest_city_id'];
    if($trainRow['status'] == 'ARRIVED') {
      if(count($gameNamespace->itinerary) > 0) {
        $cityId = array_shift($gameNamespace->itinerary);
    $trainRow = $this->_helper->moveTrain($cityId);
    if(count($trainRow) > 0) {
      if($trainRow['status'] == 'ARRIVED') {
        // If there are no further cities on the itinerary, we have arrived at our final destination
        if(count($gameNamespace->itinerary) == 0) {
          $trainModel->setStatusFinalDest('ARRIVED', $userNamespace->gamePlayerId);
          $statusFinalDest = 'ARRIVED';
        echo Zend_Json::encode(array('code' => 'UNLOAD_CARGO', 'status_final_dest' => $statusFinalDest));
        // Pass id for last city user selected so we can return user to previous map scroll postion
      } else if($trainRow['track_units_remaining'] > 0) {
        echo Zend_Json::encode(array('code' => 'MOVE_TRAIN_AUTO', 'status_final_dest' => $statusFinalDest));
      } else { /* Turn has ended */
        echo Zend_Json::encode(array('code' => 'TURN_END', 'status_final_dest' => $statusFinalDest));
    echo Zend_Json::encode(array('code' => 'MOVE_TRAIN_AUTO_ERROR'));

1 回答 1


如果从事件处理程序调用函数 myEventMoveTrainManual,那么每次事件发生时都会运行一个新的计时器。


var timerId;

timerId = setTimeout(myEventMoveTrainManual, 1000);

但我认为你真正想要做的是调用一个不同的函数,它检查你的定时器循环是否已经运行,如果没有,调用 myEventMoveTrainManual。

于 2010-07-26T02:20:46.167 回答