I am trying to run lynx in my perl cgi script so it extracts some text from wen page. I am doing it as in the following manner in my script,
lynx -source -preparsed "$url" > data.txt
But I get the following error in my server's error_log:
Looking up www.xyz.com
Making HTTP connection to www.xyz.com Alert!:
Unable to connect to remote host.
lynx: Can't access startfile xyz.com
I get the same error when I tried to execute lynx from the command line for root user. But the perl script and the lynx command work normally when I run it in normal user.Our newtwork consists of proxy settings which I had done in /etc/lynx-site.cfg
as PROTOCOL_proxy="http://proxy.abcdxyz.ac.in:8080"
.But it hasnot given any result.