I read that Apple prefers the launch image to be similar to your initial app screen to provide the user with the illusion of "instant on", and that somehow the status bar of the app while loading is hidden so that there is no conflict in time.

I am using a screenshot of the app as my launch image.

However, the status bar is not hidden at loading. Instead, it is overwriting the image, which is okay for the static portion of the status bar which exactly matches the screenshot. However, the time of the status bar is superimposed on the time in the screenshot, creating a blur.

Is it best practice to remove the time from the screenshot in Photoshop, or is there a way to hide the status bar at launch? I've found suggestions to alter my plist file, but they seem a bit funky.

What is the best practice?


1 回答 1


启动图像上不应有状态栏,因为 iOS 实际状态栏将在应用程序启动时显示。



请参阅 Instagram 应用程序中的此示例:


于 2015-09-25T11:20:19.727 回答