我有一个信号具有复杂的正态分布,均值为 0,方差为 1。我想用统一的量化器将其量化为 512 个级别。我通过以下方式在 MATLAB 中生成信号-

s = sqrt(0.5).*(randn(1,numBits) + 1i*randn(1,numBits));

我正在通过以下方式用 512 个级别量化范围(-1,1)中的信号:

min = -1;

max = 1;

q = (max-min)/2^9;

quantSignal = round(s/q)*q;



1 回答 1


您使用的量化公式会将输入值映射到量化版本。但是,它不会将结果限制为仅 512 个级别,因为您的输入信号可能超出[-1,+1]范围,并且您没有做任何事情来限制量化器输出(或输入)。


q = (maxValue-minValue)/(2^9-1);
realPart = min(max(real(s),minValue),maxValue);
realPart = minValue + round((realPart-minValue)/q)*q;
imagPart = min(max(imag(s),minValue),maxValue);
imagPart = minValue + round((imagPart-minValue)/q)*q;
quantSignal = realPart + j*imagPart;


For a uniform quantizer and given specific signal characteristics (in this case a complex Gaussian signal) this mean squared error is a function of the number of quantization levels and the quantizer's input range. For 512 levels, the real and imaginary parts should ideally be within approximately +/- 4.2 standard deviations. Since your standard deviation is sqrt(0.5) for the real and imaginary parts, this can be achieved with

maxValue = 4.2*sqrt(0.5);
minValue = -maxValue;

Should you need the real and imaginary part of your quantized output to be constrained to a specific range, then you may apply a scaling factor at the output of the quantizer (e.g. divide by 4.2*sqrt(0.5) to get the real and imaginary part constrained to [-1,+1]).

于 2015-09-26T03:16:19.457 回答