I've a basic question regarding autosar with multiple runnables that are basically the same except for different output/input names.
Currently the Simulink model is designed for one tank-module. This single module has inputs and outputs named *_Md0. E.g Filling_level_Md0, outflow/inflow_rate_Md0, valve_open_Md0 ... Though also some inputs/outputs/constants are not module-specific. E.g: tank-volume, real time clock, ...
The goal is to add an "arbitrary" number of tanks.
------- ------- -------
Inputs ->|Module1|-> Outputs ->|Module2|-> ... ->|ModuleN|->
------- ------- -------
Obviously it is very tedious to just multiply every tank-module and rename the inputs/outputs that are needed individually per module. Because it is necessary to copy every runnable, fix the libraryies and the arxml file, ...
So the question is if there is a better solution to have multiple runnables that are more or less the same? Is there some kind of for loop available in Simulink?