我正在尝试将 UIMenuController 用于动态菜单(标题和操作来自服务器)。问题是我必须使用 UIMenuItems initWithTitle:action: 其中 action 是 @selector。

我可以使用 @selector(dispatch:) 但我无法区分用户按下了哪些项目。- (void)dispatch:(id)sender { NSLog(@"%@", sender); } 说它是一个 UIMenuController 并且它没有一个方法可以告诉哪个菜单项被按下了。

我不能只写 100 个方法来调度每个可能的选择器,好吧不会超过 10 个,但是,这似乎不是一个好主意。



// 这种方法行不通。

- (void)showMenu {

    [self becomeFirstResponder];

    NSMutableArray *menuItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    UIMenuItem *item;
    for (MLAction *action in self.dataSource.actions) {
        item = [[UIMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:action.title action:@selector(action:)];
        [menuItems addObject:item];
        [item release];

    UIMenuController *menuController = [UIMenuController sharedMenuController];
    menuController.menuItems = menuItems;
    [menuItems release];
    [menuController update];
    [menuController setMenuVisible:YES animated:YES];


- (void)action:(id)sender {
    NSLog(@"%@", sender); // gives UIMenuController instead of UIMenuItem
    // I can not know which menu item was pressed

// 这种方法真的很丑。

- (void)showMenu {

    [self becomeFirstResponder];

    NSMutableArray *menuItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];

    UIMenuItem *item;
    NSInteger i = 0;
    for (MLAction *action in self.dataSource.actions) {
        item = [[UIMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:action.text
                                                                            action:NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"action%i:", i++])];
        [menuItems addObject:item];
        [item release];

    UIMenuController *menuController = [UIMenuController sharedMenuController];
    menuController.menuItems = menuItems;
    [menuItems release];
    [menuController update];
    [menuController setMenuVisible:YES animated:YES];


- (void)action:(NSInteger)number {
    NSLog(@"%i", number); // gives the index of the action in the menu.

// This is a hack, I have to assume that there will never be more then 15 actions
- (void)action0:(id)sender { [self action:0]; }
- (void)action1:(id)sender { [self action:1]; }
- (void)action2:(id)sender { [self action:2]; }
- (void)action3:(id)sender { [self action:3]; }
- (void)action4:(id)sender { [self action:4]; }
- (void)action5:(id)sender { [self action:5]; }
- (void)action6:(id)sender { [self action:6]; }
- (void)action7:(id)sender { [self action:7]; }
- (void)action8:(id)sender { [self action:8]; }
- (void)action9:(id)sender { [self action:8]; }
- (void)action10:(id)sender { [self action:10]; }
- (void)action11:(id)sender { [self action:11]; }
- (void)action12:(id)sender { [self action:12]; }
- (void)action13:(id)sender { [self action:13]; }
- (void)action14:(id)sender { [self action:14]; }

2 回答 2


对于选择器名称,必须选择唯一的字符串(UUID 或标题的净化和前缀版本都可以)。然后,您需要一种方法来解析调用并使用不同的选择器名称对其“别名” :

- (void)updateMenu:(NSArray *)menuEntries {
    Class cls = [self class];
    SEL fwd = @selector(forwarder:);
    for (MenuEntry *entry in menuEntries) {
        SEL sel = [self uniqueActionSelector];
        // assuming keys not being retained, otherwise use NSValue:
        [self.actionDict addObject:entry.url forKey:sel]; 
        class_addMethod(cls, sel, [cls instanceMethodForSelector:fwd], "v@:@");
        // now add menu item with sel as the action

现在转发器可以查找与菜单项关联的 URL:

- (void)forwarder:(UIMenuController *)mc {
    NSLog(@"URL for item is: %@", [actionDict objectForKey:_cmd]);


- (SEL)uniqueActionSelector {
    NSString *unique = ...; // the unique part
    NSString *selString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"menu_%@:", unique];
    SEL sel = sel_registerName([selString UTF8String]);
    return sel;
于 2010-07-14T20:51:30.117 回答


于 2010-07-14T20:26:27.183 回答