
DATE 20090105
1 2.25 1.5
3 3.6 0.099
4 3.6 0.150
6 3.6 0.099
8 3.65 0.0499
DATE 20090105
DATE 20090106
1 2.4 1.40
2 3.0 0.5
5 3.3 0.19
7 2.75 0.5
10 2.75 0.25
DATE 20090106
DATE 20090107
2 3.0 0.5
2 3.3 0.19
9 2.75 0.5
DATE 20100107


Time Rating Variance



因此,例如,在 t=1 的所有日子里,我只有 1 个值,因此这是当时的平均方差。

在时间 t=2,在第一天,时间 t=2 的方差取值为 1.5,因为它持续到 t=3,在第二天取值为 value=0.5,在第三天取值为((0.5+ 0.18)/2)。因此,时间 t=2 时所有天的平均方差是当时所有方差的总和,除以当时不同方差的数量。

对于一天中的最后一次,它所用的时间尺度是 t=1。


作为一个完整的初学者,我发现这很复杂。我是一名大学生,但大学已经毕业了,我正在努力学习 Java,以帮助我父亲在夏天做生意。因此,非常感谢有关解决方案的任何帮助。


4 回答 4



  • 使用 date 和 trv 属性创建一个类
  • 创建上述类的列表
  • 使用 IO 类读取文件。
  • 读入块并转换为字符串
  • 按“日期”拆分整个字符串并修剪
  • 按空格 (" ") 分割
  • 第一项将是您的日期。
  • 将所有其他项目转换为浮动并找到平均值。
  • 将其添加到列表中。现在你有一个每日平均值列表。
  • 您可以将其保存到磁盘并查询它以获取所需的数据。


于 2010-07-13T14:05:32.170 回答


  • 移动平均线
  • 衰减平均值(反映最后几个样本的平均值,基于衰减因子)。
  • 移动方差
  • 衰减方差
  • 最小值和最大值


 * omry 
 * Jul 2, 2006
 * Calculates:
 * 1. running average 
 * 2. running standard deviation.
 * 3. minimum
 * 4. maximum
public class Statistics
    private double m_lastValue;
    private double m_average = 0;
    private double m_stdDevSqr = 0;

    private int m_n = 0;
    private double m_max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    private double m_min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    private double m_total;

    // decay factor.
    private double m_d;
    private double m_decayingAverage;
    private double m_decayingStdDevSqr;

    public Statistics()

    public Statistics(float d)
        m_d = d;

    public void addValue(double value)
        m_lastValue = value;
        m_total += value;

        // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance
        double delta = value - m_average;
        m_average = m_average + delta / (float)m_n;
        double md = (1/m_d);
        if (m_n == 1)
            m_decayingAverage = value;
        m_decayingAverage = (md * m_decayingAverage + (1-md)*value);

        // This expression uses the new value of mean
        m_stdDevSqr = m_stdDevSqr + delta*(value - m_average);

        m_decayingStdDevSqr = m_decayingStdDevSqr + delta*(value - m_decayingAverage);

        m_max = Math.max(m_max, value);
        m_min = Math.min(m_min, value);     

    public double getAverage()
        return round(m_average);

    public double getDAverage()
        return round(m_decayingAverage);

    public double getMin()
        return m_min;

    public double getMax()
        return m_max;

    public double getVariance()
        if (m_n > 1)
            return round(Math.sqrt(m_stdDevSqr/(m_n - 1)));
            return 0;

    public double getDVariance()
        if (m_n > 1)
            return round(Math.sqrt(m_decayingStdDevSqr/(m_n - 1)));
            return 0;

    public int getN()
        return m_n;

    public double getLastValue()
        return m_lastValue;

    public void reset()
        m_lastValue = 0;
        m_average = 0;
        m_stdDevSqr = 0;
        m_n = 0;
        m_max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        m_min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        m_decayingAverage = 0;
        m_decayingStdDevSqr = 0;
        m_total = 0;

    public double getTotal()
        return round(m_total);

    private double round(double d)
        return Math.round((d * 100))/100.0;
于 2010-07-13T14:15:00.363 回答


  1. 找出每天给定时间的平均方差t- 由当天的最高时间戳给出,该时间戳小于t
  2. 通过取平均值来处理同时读取多个读数的情况。
  3. 找出所有时间的平均方差t

所以我建议,一旦你按照@Manjoor 的建议解析数据,然后,(伪代码!)

function getAverageAt(int t)
  float lastvariance = 0; // what value to start on, 
                        // if no variance is specified at t=1 on day 1
                        // also acts as accumulator if several values at one 
                        // timestamp
  float allDaysTotal = 0; // cumulative sum of the variance at time t for all days
  for each day {
    float time[], rating[], variance[];
    //read these from table
    int found=0; //how many values found at time t today
    for(int i=0;i<time.length;i++){
       if(time[i]<t) lastvariance=variance[i];  // find the most recent value
                        // before t.
                        // This relies on your data being in order!
       else if(time[i]==t){  // time 
         if (found==1) lastvariance=variance[i]; // no previous occurrences today
         else lastvariance+=variance[i];
       else if(time[i]>t) break;
    if(found>1) lastvariance/=found;  // calculate average of several simultaneous
    // readings, if more than one value found today at time t.
    // Note that: if found==0, this means you're using a previous
    // timestamp's value.
    // Also note that, if at t=1 you have 2 values of variance, that 
    // averaged value will not continue over to time t. 
    // You could easily reimplement that if that's the behaviour you desire,
    // the code is similar, but putting the time<t condition along with the 
    // time==t condition 
  allDaysMean = allDaysTotal / nDays


于 2010-07-14T10:42:18.660 回答

好的,我有一个有效的代码。但这需要很长时间(大约 7 个月的时间,每天有 30,000 个方差),因为它必须循环很多次。还有其他更好的建议吗?

我的意思是这个代码,对于一些看似简单的事情,大约需要 24-28 小时......

包 VarPackage;

导入 java.io.BufferedReader;导入 java.io.FileReader;导入 java.util.ArrayList;

公共类 ReadText {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String inputFileName="C:\\MFile";

    ArrayList<String> fileLines = new ArrayList<String>();
    FileReader fr;
    BufferedReader br;

    // Time
    int t = 1;

    fr = new FileReader(inputFileName);
    br = new BufferedReader(fr);
    String line;

    while ((line=br.readLine())!=null) {

    AvgVar myVar = new AvgVar(fileLines);

    for(t=1; t<10; t++){ 
    System.out.print("Average Var at Time t=" + t + " = " + myVar.avgVar(t)+"\n");


} }



包 VarPackage;

导入 java.util.ArrayList;

public class AvgVar { // 类变量 private ArrayList inputData = new ArrayList();

// 构造函数 AvgVar(ArrayList fileData){ inputData = fileData; }

public double avgVar(int time){

 double avgVar = 0;

 ArrayList<double[]> avgData = avgDuplicateVars(inputData);

 for(double[] arrVar : avgData){
 avgVar += arrVar[time-1];
 //System.out.print(arrVar[time-1] + "," + arrVar[time] + "," + arrVar[time+1] + "\n");
 //System.out.print(avgVar + "\n");

 avgVar /= numDays(inputData);

 return avgVar;

private int numDays(ArrayList<String> varData){

 int n = 0;
 int flag = 0;


String[] myData = line.split(" ");

if(myData[0].equals("DATE") && flag == 0){

    flag = 1;

   else if(myData[0].equals("DATE") && flag == 1){

    n = n + 1;
    flag = 0;



返回 n;


private ArrayList<double[]> avgDuplicateVars(ArrayList<String> varData){

 ArrayList<double[]> avgData = new ArrayList<double[]>();

 double[] varValue = new double[86400];
 double[] varCount = new double[86400];

 int n = 0;
 int flag = 0;

for(字符串 iLine:varData){

String[] nLine = iLine.split(" ");
   if(nLine[0].equals("DATE") && flag == 0){

    for (int i=0; i<86400; i++){
    varCount[i] = 0;
    varValue[i] = 0;

    flag = 1;

   else if(nLine[0].equals("DATE") && flag == 1){

    for (int i=0; i<86400; i++){
    if (varCount[i] != 0){
    varValue[i] /= varCount[i];

    varValue = fillBlankSpreads(varValue, 86400);


    flag = 0;


    n = Integer.parseInt(nLine[0])-1;

    varValue[n] += Double.parseDouble(nLine[2]);
    varCount[n] += 1;





private double[] fillBlankSpreads(double[] varValue, int numSpread){
//Filling the Data with zeros to make the code faster
 for (int i=1; i<numSpread; i++){
 if(varValue[i] == 0){
 varValue[i] = varValue[i-1];

 return varValue;


于 2010-07-14T13:15:02.410 回答