Is there any way to use Google Nearby Messages API to publish messages while the iOS application is in the background?

According to the Nearby Messages API documentation:

The publication is active as long as the publication object exists. To stop publishing, release the publication object.

I do not release the publication object but the app seems to stop publishing messages when it goes in the background (despite I have turned BLE and Audio background modes on).


1 回答 1


抱歉,iOS 上的“附近消息”尚不支持后台操作。目前它只能由前台应用程序使用。

更新:iOS 上的附近消息现在支持发布、订阅和信标扫描的后台模式。有关详细信息,请参阅附近消息开发人员站点CocoaPod

于 2015-09-04T02:14:53.703 回答