我有一个多线程程序的问题。假设我有一系列的几个整数数组(通常是 2 或 3 个),每个都由一个单独的线程处理。我设法进行了计算,但现在我想返回在我的线程中创建的已处理数组。
启动线程后,我启动以下循环,每 0.05 秒检查一次线程是否完成。这似乎工作正常。
int partsPassed = 0;
int* partsCopied;
partsCopied = (int*) malloc (numThreads * sizeof(int));
int currentCopyStatus = 0;
for (n = 0; n < numThreads; n++) {
partsCopied[n] = 0;
// Loop until we copy all parts of array
while (partsPassed != numThreads) {
// Loop through all parts of original array
for (n = 0; n < numThreads; n++) {
if (partsCopied[n] != 1) {
// Check for finish of computation
CmtGetThreadPoolFunctionAttribute(*threadPoolHandle, threadFunctionID[n], ATTR_TP_FUNCTION_EXECUTION_STATUS, ¤tCopyStatus);
if (currentCopyStatus == kCmtThreadFunctionComplete) { // If yes, get the array and copy to original array
CmtGetThreadPoolFunctionAttribute(*threadPoolHandle, threadFunctionID[n], ATTR_TP_FUNCTION_RETURN_VALUE, imageThreadPart[n]);
copyStaticThreadResults(imageRecPart[n]->nrRowStart, imageRecPart[n]->nrRowEnd, imageThreadPart[n]);
partsCopied[n] = 1; // Copy flag display
partsPassed++; // Count all fragments
问题是,根据文档,我只能从线程中得到一个 int 。当我尝试使用以下函数时,这会导致失败 - 我尝试获取 int**(存储在 imageThreadPart[n] 中的二维数组)并且该函数强制我传递 int*。
CmtGetThreadPoolFunctionAttribute(*threadPoolHandle, threadFunctionID[n], ATTR_TP_FUNCTION_RETURN_VALUE, imageThreadPart[n]);
CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunctionAdv (DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_HANDLE, myThreadFunction, // thread function imageRecPart[n], // my data THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL, copyThreadResults, // my callback EVENT_TP_THREAD_FUNCTION_END, NULL, // data for callback - but how to pass it from thread here?! CmtGetCurrentThreadID(), &threadFunctionID[n]);