我在 C 库中有如下 API
EXPORT void test(char *a) {
// Do something to change value of "a"
我想使用 node-ffi 和 ref 将字符串指针传递给该 API。我尝试了很多方法,但都不成功。其他人可以帮我解决吗?
//use ffi and ref to interface with a c style dll
var ffi = require('ffi');
var ref = require('ref');
//load the dll. The dll is located in the current folder and named customlib.dll
var customlibProp = ffi.Library('customlib', {
'myfunction': [ 'void', [ 'char *' ] ]
var maxStringLength = 200;
var theStringBuffer = new Buffer(maxStringLength);
theStringBuffer.fill(0); //if you want to initially clear the buffer
theStringBuffer.write("Intitial value", 0, "utf-8"); //if you want to give it an initial value
//call the function
//retrieve and convert the result back to a javascript string
var theString = theStringBuffer.toString('utf-8');
var terminatingNullPos = theString.indexOf('\u0000');
if (terminatingNullPos >= 0) {theString = theString.substr(0, terminatingNullPos);}
console.log("The string: ",theString);
我也不肯定你的 c 函数有正确的声明。我与之交互的函数有一个类似的签名:
void (__stdcall *myfunction)(char *outputString);
会解决同样的事情,我只是最近没有做过任何足以记住的 c 编程。