Why isn't .symbols
going up to .results
and why is the border acting weird?
I have been trying to fix this problem for more than a hour, before this it worked just fine. Think it has something to do with the HTML.
<!DOCTYPE html>
.calc {
border: groove 6px;
margin-left: 530px;
margin-right: 530px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
.results {
padding-bottom: 7px;
.top {
float: left;
padding-left: 20px;
.numbers {
float: left;
padding-left: 20px;
.symbols {
float: right;
hr {
width: 80%;
padding-left: 20px;
function myFunction(clickedId) {
function Clear() {
function compute() {
var inp=eval(document.calc.result.value);
function doMath() {
var inputNum1=document.calc.result.value;
var result = Math.sqrt(inputNum1);
document.calc.result.value = result;
function myMultiply() {
var x = parseInt($('#num1').val(), 10);
var y = x*x;
alert(x + " times " + x + " equals " + y);
return false;
<div class="calc">
<div class="results">
<form name="calc">
<input type="text" name="result" readonly>
<div class="top">
<button type="button" id="CLEAR" onclick="Clear()">c</button> <!--Izdzēst rakstīto-->
<button type="button" id="3.141592653589793" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">π</button> <!--Skaitlis 3.14...-->
<button type="button" id="6.283185307179586" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">τ</button> <!--Skaitlis 6.28...-->
<div class="numbers">
<button type="button" id="1" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">1</button> <!--Skaitlis 1-->
<button type="button" id="2" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">2</button> <!--Skaitlis 2-->
<button type="button" id="3" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">3</button> <!--Skaitlis 3-->
<button type="button" id="4" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">4</button> <!--Skaitlis 4-->
<button type="button" id="5" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">5</button> <!--Skaitlis 5-->
<button type="button" id="6" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">6</button> <!--Skaitlis 6-->
<button type="button" id="7" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">7</button> <!--Skaitlis 7-->
<button type="button" id="8" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">8</button> <!--Skaitlis 8-->
<button type="button" id="9" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">9</button> <!--Skaitlis 9-->
<button type="button" id="0" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">0</button> <!--Skaitlis 0-->
<div class="symbols">
<button type="button" id="ANS" onclick="compute()">=</button> <!--Vienādības zīme-->
<button type="button" id="*" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">x</button> <!--Reizināšanas zīme-->
<button type="button" id="/" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">÷</button> <!--Dalīšanas zīme-->
<button type="button" id="+" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">+</button> <!--Plusa zīme-->
<button type="button" id="-" onclick="myFunction(this.id)">-</button> <!--Mīnusa zīme-->
<button type="button" id="SQRT" onclick="doMath()">√</button> <!--Kvadrātsakne-->