I accidentally deleted my production OAuth credential for my Android App, from the Google Developer Console. When trying to add it back, using same SHA1 it says it can't, because the SHA1 is already in use. I've waited 10 days, and it is still not working.

My Question is, Is the only way to solve it is to create a new Keystore file ? that means I can't upload an update to Google Play! this is insane.. Google Support is now supporting only payed customers so emailing them is not an option.

Anyone has a better Idea?

Thanks a lot, Giora.


1 回答 1


请参阅 Google Cloud Console - 此客户端 ID 是全球唯一的,并且已在使用中

正如 Andy 提到的,您可以取消删除项目并在那里查找 client_id(并删除它)。如果这不起作用,请通过我的 G+ 个人资料 ping 我,我可以查看一下。

更新:2015 年 12 月 14 日:如果你们中的更多人在上周遇到此问题,我们正在修复它。如果您需要紧急创建客户 ID 并且不能等到本周末,请通过我的 G+ 个人资料给我发消息。

于 2015-08-21T03:43:10.290 回答