我有这个 sql 语句,旨在对表的总和列求和:
p_id p_name atc_code tax_amt base_amt date
2300 |A student |WC158 - EWT 1% |133.93 |13392.86 |2015-07-01
2300 |A student |WC158 - EWT 1% |62.50 |6250.00 |2015-07-01
901 |B student |WC158 - EWT 1% |8.31 |830.58 |2015-06-09
2831 |C student |WC160 - EWT 2% |2736.84 |136842.11 |2015-06-04
905 |D student |WC158 - EWT 1% |31.25 |3125.00 |2015-06-16
905 |D student |WC158 - EWT 1% |31.25 |3125.00 |2015-06-29
905 |D student |WC158 - EWT 1% |31.25 |3125.00 |2015-06-29
905 |D student |WC158 - EWT 1% |26.79 |2678.57 |2015-06-16
959 |G student |WC158 - EWT 1% |114.29 |11428.57 |2015-01-10
959 |G student |WC158 - EWT 1% |478.90 |47890.18 |2015-01-20
2424 |L student |WC158 - EWT 1% |45.54 |4553.58 |2015-03-03
cr.execute('''insert into student_resource_report_line(partner_id,seq,base_amount,tax_amount,percent,atc_code,nature,create_date,write_date)
select es.partner_id as partner_id,
(case when es.name like '%WC158%' then 1
when es.name like '%WC160%' then 2
when es.name like '%WC010%' then 3
when es.name like '%WC140%' then 4
else 0 end) as seq,
sum(es.base_amt) as base_amount,
sum(es.tax_amt) as tax_amount,
(case when es.name like '%EWT 1%%' then '1.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 2%%' then '2.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 3%%' then '3.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 4%%' then '4.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 5%%' then '5.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 6%%' then '6.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 7%%' then '7.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 8%%' then '8.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 9%%' then '9.00'
when es.name like '%EWT 10%%' then '10.00'
else null end) as percent,
(case when es.name like '%WC158%' then 'WC158'
when es.name like '%WC160%' then 'WC160'
when es.name like '%WC010%' then 'WC010'
when es.name like '%WC140%' then 'WC140'
else null end) as atc_code,
(case when es.name like '%WC158%' then 'NOTEBOOK'
when es.name like '%WC160%' then 'BACKPACK'
when es.name like '%WC010%' then 'COLOR'
when es.name like '%WC140%' then 'BOOKS' else null end) as nature,
(now()) as create_date,(now()) as write_date
from ewt_source es where es.date between ? and ?
group by es.partner_id,es.name''',(ewt.date_from,ewt.date_to))
group by es.partner_id,es.name''',(ewt.date_from,ewt.date_to))
File "/opt/openerp/server-7/openerp/sql_db.py", line 161, in wrapper
return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/openerp/server-7/openerp/sql_db.py", line 226, in execute
res = self._obj.execute(query, params)
IndexError: tuple index out of range