我们正在使用一个长时间运行的 PowerShell 脚本来执行许多可能需要很长时间的小操作。大约 30 分钟后,脚本冻结了。我们能够让脚本重新开始运行,按下Ctrl-C它会导致脚本恢复执行而不是终止进程。

是否有某种脚本超时或机制阻止 PowerShell 中长时间运行脚本?


4 回答 4


由于我有一个坏习惯,我遇到了这个问题。如果您在控制台 powershell 中选择一点文本,脚本日志会冻结。确保在启动大脚本后未选择任何内容:)

于 2017-11-07T17:15:14.070 回答

如上所述,在 powershell 控制台中单击/选择文本时,脚本会停止。您可以像这样禁用此行为:

  • 右键单击标题栏

  • 选择Properties

  • 选择Options

  • Edit Options, 禁用QuickEdit Mode

注意:您将无法再从 powershell 窗口中选择文本。

于 2021-06-24T07:31:04.230 回答


    Start-Transcript C:\Transcriptlog-Cleanup.txt #write log to this location
$p = Get-Process  -Id $pid | select -Expand id  # -Expand selects the string from the object id out of the current process.
Write-Host $p
$BJName = "Clean-up-script"   #Define Background job name

$startTime = (Get-Date) # set start time
$expiration = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(2)#program expires at this time
# you could change the expiration time by changing (Get-Date).AddSeconds(20) to (Get-Date).AddMinutes(10)or to hours or whatever you like

#Timer update function setup
function UpdateTime
    $LeftMinutes =   ($expiration) - (Get-Date) | Select -Expand minutes  # sets minutes left to left time
    $LeftSeconds =   ($expiration) - (Get-Date) | Select -Expand seconds  # sets seconds left to left time

    #Write time to console
    Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------" 
    Write-Host "Timer started at     :  "  $startTime
    Write-Host "Current time         :  "  (Get-Date)
    Write-Host "Timer ends at        :  "  $expiration
    Write-Host "Time on expire timer :  "  $LeftMinutes "Minutes" $LeftSeconds "Seconds"
    Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------" 

    #get background job info and remove the it afterwards + print info
function BJManager   
       Receive-Job -Name $BJName  #recive background job results
       Remove-Job -Name $BJName -Force #remove job
       Write-Host "Retrieving Background-Job info and Removing Job..."
$ScriptLocation = "C:\\Local-scripts\Windows-Server-CleanUp-Script-V2.4(Beta).ps1"  #change this Var for different kind of script locations

Start-Job -Name $BJName -FilePath $ScriptLocation #start this script as background job
# dont start job in the loop.
do{   #start loop

   Write-Host "Working"#start doing other script stuff
   Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000  #add delay to reduce spam and processing power
   UpdateTime #call upadate function to print time

   Get-Job -Name $BJName  | select Id, State ,Location , Name
        if((Get-Job).State -eq "Failed")
        elseif((Get-Job).State -eq "Completed")

until ($p.HasExited -or (Get-Date) -gt $expiration) #check exit time

Write-Host "Timer Script Finished"
Get-Job -Name $BJName  | select Id, State ,Location , Name


Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000 #give it some time to write to log
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000 #give it some time to stop the logging before killing process
if (-not $p.HasExited) { Stop-Process -ID $p -PassThru } # kill process after time expires
于 2019-04-10T14:53:45.317 回答


于 2012-12-06T13:53:27.533 回答