尝试通过编写一个简单的脚本(见下面的代码)在我的鹅卵石上显示我当前的 GPS 位置。

一切正常,但我无法访问 GPS 值。

该代码基于pebbles 自己的地理定位示例

我的问题是我只能在函数locationSuccess()中获取 GPS 数据。

如何在该函数之外访问 GPS 数据(即myLatmyLong的值)?我想将 GPS 数据放入这一行:

text : 'GPS:\n',

我正在使用 CloudPebble 和 Pebble.js


var UI = require('ui');
var Vector2 = require('vector2');

var locationOptions = {
  enableHighAccuracy: true, 
  maximumAge: 10000, 
  timeout: 10000

// Get the location
function locationSuccess(pos) {
    console.log('\n****** START ******\nhere I am:\nlat= ' + pos.coords.latitude + ' lon= ' + pos.coords.longitude + '\n'); // Just to se that it works fine
    var myLat = pos.coords.latitude;
    var myLong = pos.coords.longitude;
    console.log('My location\n' + myLat + ' and ' + myLong + '\n****** THE END  02 ******\n'); // This does also work fine
function locationError(err) {
  console.log('location error (' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);

// Make an asynchronous request
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(locationSuccess, locationError, locationOptions);

// Create a text object 
var infotext = new UI.Text(
  position: new Vector2(0, 0),
  size: new Vector2(144, 168),
    text : 'GPS:\n',
  font: 'Gothic 28',
  color: 'white',
  textAlign: 'center'   

// Create and show the location (vars x and y are empty - why?)
var infowindow = new UI.Window();

1 回答 1



您在02 结束时没有收到任何响应,因为该函数locationSuccess()尚未运行,因此没有为myLat和分配任何值myLong

您在03 结尾没有收到响应的原因是该函数navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition()异步工作。当你下一次执行时它还没有完成运行,console.log所以你的变量的值还没有设置。



通过将成功代码移动到成功函数中,您不再需要初始化纬度和经度变量,因此我从下面的代码中删除了这些变量。我还修改了您原来的 GPS 窗口文本infotext以显示:“正在加载 GPS 数据...”。这样会立即加载,并在后台运行时infowindow显示加载屏幕。navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition

一旦找到当前位置,它将运行成功函数。我在这个函数的末尾添加了一行来更新 GPS 窗口中的文本以显示纬度和经度。我还在错误函数中添加了类似的行,让用户知道是否出现问题。您不需要再次调用infowindow.add(infotext);infowindow.show();再次更新屏幕上的文本。我还将信息窗口/文本的创建移到navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition了下方,因此成功/错误函数无法在创建文本 UI 之前尝试更新文本。


var UI = require('ui');
var Vector2 = require('vector2');

var locationOptions = {
  enableHighAccuracy: true, 
  maximumAge: 10000, 
  timeout: 10000

// Get the location
function locationSuccess(pos) {
    console.log('\n****** START ******\nhere I am:\nlat= ' +     pos.coords.latitude + ' lon= ' + pos.coords.longitude + '\n'); // Just to se     that it works fine
    var myLat = pos.coords.latitude;
    var myLong = pos.coords.longitude;
    console.log('My location\n' + myLat + ' and ' + myLong + '\n****** THE END  01 ******\n'); // This does work fine
    //modify the text within infotext to show GPS data
    infotext.text('GPS:\n' + myLat + '\n' + myLong);
function locationError(err) {
  console.log('location error (' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);
    //modify the text within infotext to alert user of error
    infotext.text('Error Loading GPS Data!');

console.log('My location\n' + myLat + ' and ' + myLong + '\n****** THE END      02 ******\n'); 

// Create a text object 
var infotext = new UI.Text(
  position: new Vector2(0, 0),
  size: new Vector2(144, 168),
  text : 'Retrieving GPS Data...',  
  font: 'Gothic 28',
  color: 'white',
  textAlign: 'center'   

// Create and show the location (vars x and y are empty - why?)
var infowindow = new UI.Window();

// Make an asynchronous request
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(locationSuccess, locationError,locationOptions);

console.log('My location\n' + myLat + ' and ' + myLong + '\n****** THE END  03 ******\n'); 





var UI = require('ui');
var Vector2 = require('vector2');

//define variables globally
var myLat;
var myLong;

var locationOptions = {
  enableHighAccuracy: true, 
  maximumAge: 10000, 
  timeout: 10000

// Get the location
function locationSuccess(pos) {
    console.log('\n****** START ******\nhere I am:\nlat= ' + pos.coords.latitude + ' lon= ' + pos.coords.longitude + '\n'); // Just to se that it works fine
    //assign value to globally scoped variables
    myLat = pos.coords.latitude;
    myLong = pos.coords.longitude;
    console.log('My location\n' + myLat + ' and ' + myLong + '\n****** THE END  02 ******\n'); // This does also work fine
function locationError(err) {
  console.log('location error (' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);

// Make an asynchronous request
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(locationSuccess, locationError, locationOptions);

// Create a text object 
var infotext = new UI.Text(
  position: new Vector2(0, 0),
  size: new Vector2(144, 168),
    text : 'GPS:\n',
  font: 'Gothic 28',
  color: 'white',
  textAlign: 'center'   

// Create and show the location (vars x and y are empty - why?)
var infowindow = new UI.Window();


于 2015-08-17T18:26:08.273 回答