I'm creating a script and have troubles.

Is it possible to create an object (of some class) from within a listener? I tried it but I get an error: ``class not found''.

I want to do something like:

class ONE {

class TWO {
    object o = alloc(ONE)

I need this to create a new listener when I execute another listener.


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What you wish to do is certainly possible. Most likely you have a syntax error in your code. For example, your implementation of class TWO is invalid since a member variable like "o" cannot be initialized in the member declaration section of the class code. This can only be done within a class method, as illustrated in the example code below.

class One
    void DoClassOneAction(Object self)
        OKDialog("Class One action executed.");

class Two
    Object oneInstance;

    void DoClassTwoAction(Object self)
        if (!oneInstance.ScriptObjectIsValid())
            oneInstance = Alloc(One);

void main()
    Object twoInstance = Alloc(Two);


Note that the coding requirements for DM script classes differ somewhat from those of other languages that support objects. You may want to review details in the Scripting > Objects section of the DM on-line help (accessed via Help > Search… menu item).

于 2015-08-15T04:36:34.867 回答