We have a customized version of the Agile template that we've been using since TFS 2013. I have upgraded the template for 2015, which was no big deal. But when I go to upload it I get error "VS402479: You can't overwrite the Agile process template, because it's locked".

I have followed the instructions from MSDN to upload an updated process template. I have changed the name, description, and minor version strings as described in the documentation.

Here are the values from the metadata node in my ProcessTemplate.xml file:

<name>Custom Agile</name>
<description>Custom Template based on MSF Agile</description>
<version type="ADCC42AB-9882-485E-A3ED-7678F01F66BC" major="14" minor="20" />

I have tried changing the major version and the minor versions to different, higher increments, and receive the same error.

If I change the type to a different Guid, the template loads just fine. The instructions imply that the Guid should be the same. I'm assuming this is so TFS knows the relationship between the built-in templates and custom templates they are based on.

I have a bunch of team projects to update the features on once the upgrade is complete and do not want to break the relationship to the built-in Agile process template if I can help it.


2 回答 2


您不能再编辑或删除 TFS 2015 中的内置模板,因此如果要上传模板,则必须更改 Guid。

TFS 2015 RTM 的流程模板更改

在 TFS 2015 中,系统模板被锁定且无法更改。这一更改使我们能够覆盖我们发布的模板,并且我们能够将模板重命名为 Scrum、Agile 和 CMMI。

要基于已发布的模板创建自定义流程模板,只需导出现有模板,为其指定新名称和版本,然后使用流程模板管理器重新导入即可。现有项目不受此更改的影响,这意味着他们可以继续使用 witadmin 自定义流程。

于 2015-08-14T12:24:49.830 回答

我们已确定此问题不是错误。要上传自定义流程模板,不仅流程模板名称需要更改,而且版本 ID 也需要更改。


<version type="ADCC42AB-9882-485E-A3ED-7678F01F66BC" major="15" minor="10" />.


Guid您可以使用以下 C# 代码生成一个新的:

Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();

string s = g.ToString();
于 2018-09-05T10:13:20.423 回答