I have noticed that in recent versions of Xcode, the project template for "Tabbed Application" creates a project where the tab bar icon images (dubbed "first" and "second", for the default two tabs/view controllers available) are actually stored in .pdf format, not .png, and displayed in the Assets.xcassets folder with a resolution of "All" for use as "Universal" (instead of -say- a resolution "@3x" for use as "iPhone app iOS 7-8", like the app icons).
I assume this is to provide a vector graphics-based resource that is truly resolution-independent and hence supports all sorts of devices.
My question is: What are the guidelines to create custom resources in this format? I guess it should start by creating a custom outline in Adobe Illustrator and exporting it in pdf format, but, What size and units should I use? Are there any other things to look out for? I haven't found anything in official Apple documentation and a web search for "ios tab bar icon pdf" only gives links to websites providing clip art etc.
Note: I have thought whether to post this question here or in Graphic Design Stack Exchange site, but it still has to do with the Xcode IDE and developing iOS apps, so I place my bet here. Feel free to vote for closing it if you think otherwise.