I'm using this iojs OpenShift cartridge, which has now been updated to iojs 3.0, but I need a iojs 2.x version to test some functionality.

Looking at the cartridge's manifest.yml (here), I see the Source-Url set to the git repo (https://github.com/connyay/openshift-iojs.git). I was thinking if I change that to use an older version of the same Github repo, then I would get the older cartridge.

So does the Source-Url attribute support specifying branch or commit hashes (ala https://github.com/connyay/openshift-iojs.git#v2.5.0 etc) ? The OpenShift documentation doesn't mention anything about this.


1 回答 1


您链接到的文档没有直接提到这一点,但它暗示了示例中的解决方案:Source-Url: https://github.com/example/killer-cartridge/archive/master.zip


Source-Url: https://github.com/connyay/openshift-iojs/archive/master.zip
Source-Url: https://github.com/connyay/openshift-iojs/archive/ebd98692265f58c3f207555045a7c1a5ddb381a8.zip
Source-Url: https://github.com/luciddreamz/openshift-php/archive/v1.zip

OpenShift Cartridge 反射器,对于未指定 a 的盒式磁带,Source-Url允许您通过在 'commit' 查询参数中指定分支、提交或标记来执行此操作。

于 2015-08-14T15:17:31.073 回答