我正在处理来自许多天线基线的观测数据。目前我正在做的是绘制〜40个数字,每个数字都有4x5的子图区域。在循环中使用 matplotlib 绘制和保存图形时,我发现它很慢。这是我的代码:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
PLT_PAGE_NUM = 39 # default is 39
SUB_PLT_NUM = 20 # default is 20
for pp in xrange(0,PLT_PAGE_NUM):
start_time = time.clock()
for kk in xrange(0,SUB_PLT_NUM):
plt.plot(np.arange(0,TIME_LENGTH), xcor_real_arr[20*pp+kk,0:],'r-',
range(0,TIME_LENGTH), xcor_imag_arr[20*pp+kk,0:],'b-')
plt.title('XCOR of '+ ind_arr[20*pp+kk], color='k')
print 'Fig-'+str(pp)+' has been saved'
print "Excution time:", time.clock()-start_time
######### Check your inputs setting #########
You have selected 2 files.
The time interval is From 2011-10-20_14:28:38 to 2011-10-20_15:10:54
Your time resolution is set to 1.125s
The total plot points number is: 100
Your frequency channel is: ch2
######### Hardworking...please wait #########
Fig-0 has been saved
Excution time: *2.52576639619*
Fig-1 has been saved
Excution time: *2.59867230708*
Fig-2 has been saved
Excution time: *2.81915188482*
Fig-3 has been saved
Excution time: *2.83102198991*
Program ends
如您所见,我只绘制了 4 个图形,耗时约 11 秒。绘制并保存所有 39 个数字大约需要 2 分钟。我不知道瓶颈在哪里。你能帮忙让它更快吗? 谢谢!