我认为您所说的 Ada95 包在这里——但它只有 35k,而且它的功能似乎比 Ada2005 标准库少。
不知道这个Ada95 绑定到 BLAS是如何进入我的浏览器缓存的!我看到对于一般矩阵求解,您也需要 LAPACK,我想知道 GNAT 中已有的绑定是否会有所帮助?打包System.Generic_Real_LAPACK
在文件 s-gerela.ad[bs] 中。评论说
-- LAPACK Computational Routines
-- gerfs Refines the solution of a system of linear equations with
-- a general matrix and estimates its error
-- getrf Computes LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix
-- getri Computes inverse of an LU-factored general matrix
-- square matrix, with multiple right-hand sides
-- getrs Solves a system of linear equations with an LU-factored
-- square matrix, with multiple right-hand sides
-- orgtr Generates the Float orthogonal matrix Q determined by sytrd
-- steqr Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric or
-- Hermitian matrix reduced to tridiagonal form (QR algorithm)
-- sterf Computes all eigenvalues of a Float symmetric
-- tridiagonal matrix using QR algorithm
-- sytrd Reduces a Float symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form