我不想使用 OpenCV 来加载/保存将它们转换为灰度的图像。
到目前为止,我已经设法实现了这个网站中解释的算法。我正在使用使用绝对差和 (SAD) 的算法版本。为了测试我的实现,我使用了来自这个数据集的立体图像。
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load the stereo images
img = cv2.imread('bow-view1.png')
img2 = cv2.imread('bow-view5.png')
# convert stereo images to grayscale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# get the size of the images
# l -> lines
# c -> columns
# v -> channel (RGB)
l,c,v = img.shape
# initialize arrays
minSAD = np.ones((l,c)) * 1000
sad = np.ones((l,c))
winsad = np.ones((l,c))
disp = np.zeros((l,c))
max_shift = 30
# set size of the SAD window
w_l = 2
w_c = 2
for shift in range(max_shift):
print("New Shift: %d"%(shift))
for u in range(0,l):
for v in range(0,c):
# calculate SAD
if(u+shift < l):
sad[u,v] = np.abs((int(gray[u,v]) - int(gray2[u+shift,v])))
sum_sad = 0
for d in range(w_l):
for e in range(w_c):
if(u+d < l and v+e < c):
sum_sad += sad[u+d,v+e]
winsad[u,v] = sum_sad
# Save disparity
if(sad[u,v] < minSAD[u,v]):
minSAD[u,v] = winsad[u,v]
disp[u,v] = shift
print("Process Complete")
# write disparity map to image
print("Disparity Map Generated")
我尝试了几种窗口大小(在 SAD 步骤中),但我不断得到像这样的结果或全黑的图像。