We are implementing an integration with office 365 from our product. For that, we wanted to get the device details of the users in an office 365. For instance, if a user is using office in 5 of his workstations, we wanted to get detail about those workstations - name, IP, MAC, Serial no etc. Is there a way of getting these information through Rest API? We could not figure out one yet. Is there a way of getting this throuh any powershell modules - like MSOnline and MSOnlineExtended.

Thanks, Raj


1 回答 1


https://msdn.microsoft.com/Library/Azure/Ad/Graph/api/entity-and-complex-type-reference#DeviceEntity << Azure AD Graph API 中有一个设备实体,其属性包括 deviceOSType、devicePhysicalIds、等等

于 2015-08-07T02:53:09.560 回答