I want to encrypt a string using Amazon KMS services. My credentials work, I can use the client to get a list of keys, but I get a 400 when I try to encrypt my string. This is my code (I bet I'm missing something simple):
public static string Encrypt(string str, string awsRegion, string theKey)
var keyId = "arn:aws:kms:" + awsRegion + ":0987654321:key/" + thekey;
using (var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient(AWSId, AWSSK, RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
var req = new EncryptRequest
KeyId = keyId,
Plaintext = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str))
var blob = client.Encrypt(req).CiphertextBlob;
return new StreamReader(blob).ReadToEnd();
What could be the cause of this?
I also have my profile set up in visual studio.
Edit 1: The error message is:
Error making request with Error Code AccessDeniedException and Http Status Code BadRequest. No further error information was returned by the service.