我正在开发的一个项目通过 JSON 文件读取不同动物物种的数据。其中大约有 150 多个,除了其中的 19 个之外,大多数都可以很好地阅读。这些仅返回 [key: value]。我在其中找不到任何格式错误,并且开始认为其中有某种不可见的字符。虽然,我可能是错的。解析它虽然只有不同的读者似乎记录了不同的错误,但我无法很好地解释这些错误以从中获得任何重要的线索。这是注册为 [key: value] 的 JSON 文件之一。下面是我用来阅读它们的功能。

    "name":"Slender Waterweed",
    "scientific name":"Elodea nuttallii",


        "Identifying Characteristics":
            "Submersed aquatic plant",
            "Stems: long, slender, branched",
            "Leaves: lance-shaped leaves that are longer, more flimsy and slender (1.3mm wide) attached directly to stem (no petiole) in whorls of 3, finely serrated ",
            "Flowers: early to mid summer, small white with 3 petals, produced at tips of long slender stalks   that rise above water surface",
            "Fruits/Seeds: capsule, 6mm long",

        [   "Perennial",
            "Primary reproduction: fragmentation",
            "Reproduction by seed (rare)"

        [   "Submersed plant community",
            "Prefer fine, nutrient-rich sediment",
            "Freshwater ponds, lakes, slow moving streams, tidal tributaries"

        "Look Alikes":
            "Brazilian Waterweed",
            "Common Waterweed",
            "Mare's Tail"

        "Commonly Seen":
            "Midwater - Shallow"


        [   "Native Range: Maine, New England, and much of the United States"
        "vascular aquatic plants",
        "plants with blade-shaped leaves on stems",
        "leaves arranged in whorls",


这是我用来解析 JSON 文件的代码。

func jsonSpeciesResponse(location: String) -> [String : AnyObject] {
        let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("species JSON files (updated/" + location, ofType: "json")
        let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: path!, options: NSDataReadingOptions.DataReadingUncached, error: nil)
        let json: AnyObject! = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil)

        if(!(json == nil)){
        return json as! [String : AnyObject]
            return ["key":"value"]

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