有谁知道如何使用 Apache Drill 启用 kerberos?可能吗。我似乎找不到任何关于它的文档,或者任何问题/答案与它的信息有关。我目前正在运行一个 CDH 集群。
尝试将 HDFS 与 Drill 一起使用时出现此错误:
Error: PERMISSION ERROR: SIMPLE authentication is not enabled.
有谁知道如何使用 Apache Drill 启用 kerberos?可能吗。我似乎找不到任何关于它的文档,或者任何问题/答案与它的信息有关。我目前正在运行一个 CDH 集群。
尝试将 HDFS 与 Drill 一起使用时出现此错误:
Error: PERMISSION ERROR: SIMPLE authentication is not enabled.
目前不支持/测试/记录 HDFS + Kerberos 集成。对此票进行投票以跟踪它何时可用:
Drill 团队没有提供任何关于如何启用 kerberos 的文档,他们也没有使用 Drill 测试过 kerberos。钻探工程。确实相信它应该起作用。
In order to gain access onto the cluster once Kerberized, you must configure certain files in order to gain access.
Make an HDFS Superuser account as indicated in this Cloudera doc. On the Main Node, run
•sudo kadmin.local
In addition, add an 'hdfs' principal with this command
•addprinc hdfs@LOCALDOMAIN -- Where localdomain is the principal name
In order to enable authentication with Kerberos, we also need to copy the file hadoop-yarn-api.jar into Drill's class path. Example given below
•cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.5.1-1.cdh5.5.1.p0.11/lib/hadoop/client/hadoop-yarn-api.jar ~/apache-drill/jars/
The above step and the three following must be performed on each node of the cluster that an Apache Drill is installed.
Next, Drill's conf/core-site.xml file should be edited to contain the following snippet of xml. You might have to copy this file from /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn/core-site.xml, etc or a similar path.
After this step, you will also need to add the following xml snippet below to the drill core-site.xml file. In this instance, hdfs/_HOST@LOCALDOMAIN is my principal property. The property can be found on the hdfs-site.xml file
All that is left to do is create an 'hdfs' Kerberos ticket for the user that we're logged into
•kinit hdfs -- hdfs is the super user
Then start up each of the drillbits
•/opt/apachedrillfolder/bin/Drillbit.sh start
So now, Drill has both the configuration and the authority to use our kerberized HDFS store. Give it a shot by opening up a Drill prompt (drill-conf) and trying a query