I am experimenting with OpenJML in combination with Z3, and I'm trying to reason about double or float values:

class Test {

  //@ requires b > 0;
  void a(double b) {

  void b() {

I have already found out OpenJML uses AUFLIA as the default logic, which doesn't support reals. I am now using AUFNIRA.

Unfortunately, the tool is unable to prove this class:

→ java -jar openjml.jar -esc -prover z3_4_3 -exec ./z3 Test.java -noInternalSpecs -logic AUFNIRA

Test.java:8: warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition: Test.java:3: ) in method b
Test.java:3: warning: Associated declaration: Test.java:8: 
  //@ requires b > 0;
2 warnings

Why is this?


2 回答 2


当涉及双打时,SMT 翻译(用作 的输入z3)似乎有问题。在下面的程序 B 中,它使用双精度而不是整数,调用或前置条件的常量永远不会转换为 SMT

这是openjml, not z3- 因为z3需要某种形式的东西(define-fun _JML__tmp3 () Real 2345.0)才能使用(参见程序 A 的详细输出),但从openjml不生成它。一般来说,浮点支持似乎是错误的。

程序 A(带整数):

class Test {
    //@ requires b > 1234;
    void a(int b) { }
    void z() { a(2345); }

输出(与-verbose | grep 234, 一起运行以搜索详细输出中提及的12342345):

  // requires b > 1234; 
Pre_1 = b > 1234;
    // requires b > 1234; 
    assume Assignment Pre_1_0_21___4 == b_55 > 1234;
(assert (= BL_58bodyBegin_2 (=> (= _JML___exception_49_49___1 NULL) (=> (= _JML___termination_49_49___2 0) (=> (distinct THIS NULL) (=> (or (= THIS NULL) (and (and (distinct THIS NULL) (javaSubType (javaTypeOf THIS) T_Test)) (jmlSubType (jmlTypeOf THIS) JMLT_Test))) (=> (and (<= (- 2147483648) b_55) (<= b_55 2147483647)) (=> (select _isalloc___0 THIS) (=> (= (select _alloc___0 THIS) 0) (=> (= Pre_1_0_21___3 false) (=> (= Pre_1_0_21___4 (> b_55 1234)) (=> Pre_1_0_21___4 BL_49_AfterLabel_3))))))))))))
    // a(2345)
    int _JML__tmp3 = 2345;
    boolean _JML__tmp6 = _JML__tmp3 > 1234;
    // a(2345)
    int _JML__tmp3 = 2345
    boolean _JML__tmp6 = _JML__tmp3 > 1234
(define-fun _JML__tmp3 () Int 2345)
(define-fun _JML__tmp6 () Bool (> _JML__tmp3 1234))


Proof result is unsat
Method checked OK
[total 427ms]    

方案 B(双打):

class Test {
    //@ requires b > 1234.0;
    void a(double b) { }
    void z() { a(2345.0); }

输出(与-verbose | grep 234, 一起运行以搜索详细输出中提及的1234.02345.0):

// requires b > 1234.0; 
Pre_1 = b > 1234.0;
    // requires b > 1234.0; 
    assume Assignment Pre_1_0_29___4 == b_72 > 1234.0;
    // a(2345.0)
    double _JML__tmp3 = 2345.0;
    boolean _JML__tmp6 = _JML__tmp3 > 1234.0;
    // a(2345.0)
    double _JML__tmp3 = 2345.0
    boolean _JML__tmp6 = _JML__tmp3 > 1234.0
        void z() { a(2345.0); }
        //@ requires b > 1234.0;
Test.java:4:    a(2345.0)
            VALUE: 2345.0    === 0.0


Proof result is sat
Some assertion is not valid
Test.java:4: warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition: Test.java:2: ) in method z
        void z() { a(2345.0); }
Test.java:2: warning: Associated declaration: Test.java:4: 
        //@ requires b > 1234.0;
于 2015-07-21T14:55:42.820 回答

您可以在以下链接中看到,当规范不完整时,它们是如何解释的。您的案例显示的行为与链接中的示例相同。即使您尝试其他数字,它也会失败,因为您需要添加更多 openjml 子句。

这里的链接: http ://soft.vub.ac.be/~qstieven/sq/session8.html

于 2015-07-21T13:25:03.150 回答