I have the following simple C code:
void main(){
int A = 333;
int B=244;
int sum;
sum = A + B;
When I compile this with
$riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc code.c -o code.o
If I want to see the assembly code I use
$riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d code.o
But when I explore the assembly code I see that this generates a lot of code which I assume is for Proxy Kernel support (I am a newbie to riscv). However, I do not want that this code has support for Proxy kernel, because the idea is to implement only this simple C code within an FPGA.
I read that riscv provides three types of compilation: Bare-metal mode, newlib proxy kernel and riscv Linux. According to previous research, the kind of compilation that I should do is bare metal mode. This is because I desire a minimum assembly without support for the operating system or kernel proxy. Assembly functions as a system call are not required.
However, I have not yet been able to find as I can compile a C code for get a skeleton of a minimal riscv assembly program. How can I compile the C code above in bare metal mode or for get a skeleton of a minimal riscv assembly code?