我正在尝试构建一个包含大型数据集的表,并希望避免分页。(我想做类似于雅虎邮箱网格的事情,它在绘制网格后检索数据。我认为最初检索前 100 封邮件,然后仅在用户向下滚动后检索邮件)
GWT Showcase中有一个例子
* A scrolling pager that automatically increases the range every time the
* scroll bar reaches the bottom.
public class ShowMorePagerPanel extends AbstractPager {
* The default increment size.
private static final int DEFAULT_INCREMENT = 20;
* The increment size.
private int incrementSize = DEFAULT_INCREMENT;
* The last scroll position.
private int lastScrollPos = 0;
* The scrollable panel.
private final ScrollPanel scrollable = new ScrollPanel();
* Construct a new {@link ShowMorePagerPanel}.
public ShowMorePagerPanel() {
// Handle scroll events.
scrollable.addScrollHandler(new ScrollHandler() {
public void onScroll(ScrollEvent event) {
// If scrolling up, ignore the event.
int oldScrollPos = lastScrollPos;
lastScrollPos = scrollable.getScrollPosition();
if (oldScrollPos >= lastScrollPos) {
HasRows display = getDisplay();
if (display == null) {
int maxScrollTop = scrollable.getWidget().getOffsetHeight()
- scrollable.getOffsetHeight();
if (lastScrollPos >= maxScrollTop) {
// We are near the end, so increase the page size.
int newPageSize = Math.min(
display.getVisibleRange().getLength() + incrementSize,
display.setVisibleRange(0, newPageSize);
* Get the number of rows by which the range is increased when the scrollbar
* reaches the bottom.
* @return the increment size
public int getIncrementSize() {
return incrementSize;
public void setDisplay(HasRows display) {
assert display instanceof Widget : "display must extend Widget";
scrollable.setWidget((Widget) display);
* Set the number of rows by which the range is increased when the scrollbar
* reaches the bottom.
* @param incrementSize the incremental number of rows
public void setIncrementSize(int incrementSize) {
this.incrementSize = incrementSize;
protected void onRangeOrRowCountChanged() {
Dean 已经提到了 Ext GWT,但我也想推荐SmartGWT 的实现。
Ext Gwt (AKA GXT) 实现了一个支持此功能的“实时网格”(参见http://www.sencha.com/examples/explorer.html#livegrid)。代码是 GPL,尽管您可以购买许可证以在商业应用程序中使用它。
对的,这是可能的。这里曾经有一个名为 DynaGrid 的示例,但该链接现在已失效。我无法在其他任何地方找到它(注意:这与SourceForge 上的 DynaGrid 不同)。您或许可以联系作者 Reinier Zwitserloot,询问有关获取他的 DynaGrid 副本的问题。您也可以搜索GWT Group,如果没有找到任何内容,请在此处发帖询问是否有其他人知道在哪里可以找到它。