我坚信这个问题已经被问过了,但我找不到答案,所以我把它放在你面前。我在运行脚本以将 osm 文件转换为 shp 文件时遇到问题。该脚本正在读取所有 osm 文件,但只是在最后创建第一个 osm 文件的一个 shp 文件,而不是转换所有 osm 文件。我提供了我在下面使用的代码。所以请帮我解决这个问题。
from xml.dom import minidom
import os, sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
### ruta a gdal-data C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.4\gdal-data
path = r"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CHECKING\T2"
systemOutput = 'Shp'
print ("\n#### Execute python NY_osm2shapes")
print ("#### MONITORING CITIES")
print ("#### Conversor osm to shapes")
print ("#### OSM Path: " + path)
print "#### "
Win: C:/Program Files/GDAL/gdal-data/osmconfig.ini
Linux: /usr/share/gdal/1.11/osmconfig.ini
report_all_ways=yes #activate lines without tag
attributes=landuse, plots #inside [lines]
attributes=landuse, plots #inside [multipolygons]
### Check if path from argv
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
print("#### Path from argv: ", sys.argv[1])
path = sys.argv[1]
print "#### Path set to", path
#### Ogr config
print "\n#### Process: osm to shapes"
ogrOutputType = '' #-f "Esri Shapefile"'
ogrProjection = '' # -t_srs EPSG:4326' #+ epsg
ogrProjectionA = '' #-a_srs EPSG:3827'
ogrProjectionIn = '' #-s_srs EPSG:3827' #-t_srs EPSG:4326
ogrConfigType = ' --config OSM_USE_CUSTOM_INDEXING NO'
ogr2ogr = 'ogr2ogr %s %s %s %s %s %s -overwrite %s %s %s %s layer %s'
### Process
for l in os.walk(path):
archivos = l[2]
ruta = l[0]
for a in archivos:
if a.endswith(".osm"):
osmFile = os.path.join(ruta, a)
folder = os.path.join(ruta, systemOutput)
shapeFile = a[:-4]
ogrFileOutput = " -nln " + shapeFile
print "Archivo Shape: ", shapeFile,
layerType = shapeFile[-1]
if layerType=="0":
print "\t TIPO 0: Circles"
ogrSelectLayer = "lines"
ogrLcoType = ' -lco SHPT=ARC'
ogrSelect = ' -select ID_string'
elif layerType == "1":
print "\t TIPO 1: Blocks"
ogrSelectLayer = "lines"
ogrLcoType = ' -lco SHPT=ARC'
ogrSelect = ' -select Land_use'
elif layerType == "2":
print "\t TIPO 2: Plots"
ogrSelectLayer = "lines"
ogrLcoType = ' -lco SHPT=ARC'
ogrSelect = ' -select Plot'
elif layerType == "3":
print "\t TIPO 3: Medians"
ogrSelectLayer = "lines"
ogrLcoType = ' -lco SHPT=ARC'
ogrSelect = ' -select ID_string'
print "ELSE ERROR*"
systemOutput = ogr2ogr % (ogrOutputType, folder, osmFile, ogrProjectionA, ogrProjectionIn, ogrProjection, ogrFileOutput, ogrLcoType, ogrConfigType, ogrSelect, ogrSelectLayer)
#print ("Fichero: ", osmFile, shapeFile, layerType, ogrSelectLayer)
print "End process"