我为一家公司构建了一个应用程序,然后他们购买了企业许可证,现在准备分发该应用程序。我一直在关注这篇文章:Distributing Your Application In-House我已经成功创建了 .ipa 文件,但它只是说“使用 MDM 分发 iOS App 文件”。没有链接或任何解释这意味着什么。进一步的研究只是让我更加困惑。我发现了这样的文章:添加使用“MDM 供应商”等术语的 MDM 服务器。MDM 供应商到底是什么?当然,Apple Enterprise 计划附带了一种无需购买第三方软件即可分发应用程序的方法,不是吗?是否有任何类型的教程可以告诉我有关如何以外行人分发此应用程序的分步说明 我能理解的术语?谢谢。
1 回答
You can distribute your Enterprise app without MDM. The way it works is basically you upload the .ipa file and a manifest .plist file to a website somewhere. Then you just put a hyperlink that connects to the .plist file. The end user uses a browser on their device, taps the link, and it installs the app on their device automatically. An easy-to-follow tutorial can be found here. The only problem is that the tutorial uses an older version of xcode that generates the .plist file for you. Xcode 6 will not generate the .plist file, but you can find a sample file here. Just replace the URL of the .ipa file, the bundle identifier, bundle version, and title with your own values.