I have some reservation with start and end (reference to resource is remove to make example more clear):

class Reservation(db.Model):
  fromHour = db.DateTimeProperty()
  toHour = db.DateTimeProperty()
  fromToRange = db.ComputedProperty(lambda x: [x.fromHour, x.toHour])

And want to add another reservation with check if it not overlaps previous one - how to express such query in Google App Engine.

1st I try this query with list property but double inequality filters not works. It should do two matches from1 < to2 and from1 >= from2 and one results - whatever it could be costly if there will be more data.

fromHour = datetime.datetime(2012, 04, 18, 0, 0, 0)
toHour = datetime.datetime(2012, 04, 18, 2, 0, 0)

reservation = Reservation(fromHour = fromHour, toHour = toHour, colors = ['white', 'black'])

self.response.out.write('<p>Both %s</p>' % fromHour)    
for reservation in Reservation.all()\
  .filter('fromToRange >', fromHour)\
  .filter('fromToRange <=', fromHour):
  self.response.out.write('<li>%s</li>' % (reservation.fromToRange))

I found another solution that I could use additional property containing days (this will be list of days in range per reservation) than I could hit days need to be checked to narrow scan of data and check every record if not overlapping new reservation.

Please help and provide some answer how to do optimal query to detect overlapping reservations - maybe there is quick 3rd solution for time ranges queries in Google App Engine or is not supported.


1 回答 1




就我个人而言,我会从通用时间尺度开始:Unix 时间(纪元),然后将其四舍五入到秒,然后对其进行十进制量化。例如,从中删除三个零(1000 秒量化器,跨度 ~ 16 分钟)并将从开始时间到结束时间的所有量化值保存在列表中。

如果量化器太细,则使用更大的一个:10000 秒。


于 2012-04-18T11:31:52.773 回答