The UISwitch on my device: Switch Image with the bottom pixels cut off
The UISwitch on the simulator: Good UISwitch
As you can see, the bottom pixels are cut off on the device, but not on the simulator. I have tried just about everything I can think of, but nothing has fixed the problem.
Some of the things I've tried:
- Changing the UISwitch's frame's height
- Changing the UICell's height
- Changing the UICell's contentView's height
- Adding the UISwitch to the UICell rather than the UICell's contentView
Here is the relevant code:
This is in the viewDidLoad of the uiTableViewController:
UISwitch *sw = [[UISwitch alloc] init];
self.contactedSwitch = sw;
[sw release];
self.contactedSwitch = [UISwitch switchWithLeftText:@"YES" andRight:@"NO"]; = CGPointMake(230, 22);
self.contactedSwitch.on = [ boolValue];
This is where the switchWithLeftText:andRight method comes from:
#import "UISwitch-Extended.h"
#define TAG_OFFSET 900
@implementation UISwitch (tagged)
- (void) spelunkAndTag: (UIView *) aView withCount:(int *) count
for (UIView *subview in [aView subviews])
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]])
*count += 1;
[subview setTag:(TAG_OFFSET + *count)];
[self spelunkAndTag:subview withCount:count];
- (UILabel *) label1
return (UILabel *) [self viewWithTag:TAG_OFFSET + 1];
- (UILabel *) label2
return (UILabel *) [self viewWithTag:TAG_OFFSET + 2];
+ (UISwitch *) switchWithLeftText: (NSString *) tag1 andRight: (NSString *) tag2
UISwitch *switchView = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 94, 27)];
int labelCount = 0;
[switchView spelunkAndTag:switchView withCount:&labelCount];
if (labelCount == 2)
[switchView.label1 setText:tag1];
[switchView.label2 setText:tag2];
return [switchView autorelease];
This is where I add the UISwitch to my tableviewcell:
[[contactedCell contentView] addSubview:self.contactedSwitch];
Thanks so much!
[Update] I thought the tableviewcell's might be the problem, so I added these UISwitches to a regular UIView to see how they looked. I have the exact same problem where they look alright in the simulator and the bottom is chopped in the device. So bizarre!