我正在尝试将输入/输出连接器构建为接口并将它们添加到包装模型的包装器类中。连接器的变量是使用条件声明定义的。当我在包装类中实例化输出连接器时,当我使用“方程式”部分时,我可以在 Dymola 中成功编译该类。但是当我将其更改为“算法”部分时,我收到一个错误:

It has 2 scalar unknowns and 5 scalar equations.
The Real part has 2 unknowns and 2 equations.
The Integer part has 0 unknowns and 2 equations.
The Boolean part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
The String part has 0 unknowns and 1 equations.



connector DO
parameter String Type;
parameter input Integer[:] Dim;
discrete output Real ScalarReal if Type == "Real" and size(Dim, 1) == 1 and          Dim[1] == 1 "Scalar Real";
discrete output Real[Dim[1],Dim[2]] MatrixReal if Type == "Real" and  size(Dim, 1) > 1 "Matrix Real";

end DO;

connector DI
parameter String Type;
parameter input Integer[:] Dim;
discrete input Real ScalarReal if Type == "Real" and size(Dim, 1) == 1 and Dim[1] == 1 "Scalar Real";
discrete input Real[Dim[1],Dim[2]] MatrixReal if Type == "Real" and size(Dim, 1) > 1 "Matrix Real";
end DI;

connector Conn
 parameter input Integer nOut(min = 0) = 0;
 parameter input Integer nIn(min = 0) = 0;
 DI[nIn] InConn if nIn > 0;
 DO[nOut] OutConn if nOut > 0;
 end Conn;


model Wrapper
Conn testConn(nIn = 0, nOut = 1, OutConn(Type = {"Real"}, Dim = {{2,1}}));
when sample(0,10) then
  testConn.OutConn[1].MatrixReal = [2; 3];
end when;
end Wrapper;



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